Diabetes Patient 糖尿病患者 - In the group of diabetes patients, mortality was increased if any organ complication was present and diabetic nephropathy or the combination of obesity plus diabetes were by far the most important risk factors. [1] To investigate the distribution of the frequencies of Hp genotypes and to analyse the association between Hp gene polymorphisms and vascular complications in diabetes patients. [2] The percentage of energy intake from carbohydrates was higher in diabetes patients than in those without diabetes, while that from protein and fat was lower in subjects with diabetes. [3] The risk of TB infection not only rises in diabetes patients, but is also associated with a higher risk of an increased number of diabetes complications. [4] Although some diabetes patients have intensified glycemic control, they still develop diabetic kidney disease. [5] Fundus images are obtained from the retina using a retinal camera, one of a non-invasive diagnostic technique that offers a way of examining the retina in diabetes patients. [6] Conclusions: Our study revealed a good level of knowledge, attitude and practices of diet control and exercise among the diabetes patients attending one diabetic center in Bisha city of Aseer region of KSA. [7] Cardiomyopathy and fibrosis are the main causes of heart failure in diabetes patients. [8] This research examined the use of smartphones by diabetes patients and their intentions to apply them for self-care and monitoring as well as management. [9] All these issues suggest that mental health of the diabetes patient is being affected enormously. [10] Highly stable and reliable monitoring of glucose is of great importance for diabetes patients. [11] Background: Diabetic nephropathy (DN) is a serious microvascular complication that affects 40% of diabetes patients. [12] Page 16 of 21 Abnormal Glucose Tolerance in Prediabetes Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction: Implications for Therapy Nitchakarn Laichuthai1, Ralph A. [13] Diabetes patients display a significant increase in the risk of developing cardiovascular disease compared to the rest of the population. [14] Among them, sweeteners with decreased caloric value and suitability for diabetes patients are most requested. [15] Methods: We screened high risk individuals (hypertension and diabetes patients) for dyslipidemia covering ten villages surrounding a Rural Health Training Centre (RHTC) located in South India, in August-September 2017. [16] The aims of this study were to determine the short-term effectiveness of an internet-based lifestyle modification (LSM) program in preventing the onset of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) in prediabetes patients in community settings. [17] The study assessed the impact of provision of MTM service on selected clinical and humanistic outcomes of diabetes patients at the diabetes mellitus clinic of Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital (TASH). [18] These data suggest that alternate therapies may be needed to prevent β-cell decline in this subset of prediabetes patients. [19] METHODS This was a Swedish population-based cohort study of diabetes patients who were diagnosed with gastric adenocarcinoma in 2005-2018 and followed up until December 2019. [20] Diabetes patients, if not carefully observed, build up different ongoing complexities prompting irreversible disability and demise. [21] Introduction The prevalence of periodontal disease is high in diabetes patients worldwide, including Bangladesh. [22] The objectives of the study were to assess the quality of life of people living with diabetes, to prepare and provide health education, and to evaluate the effectiveness of health education program and mobile/telephone health services provided to the diabetes patients. [23] The average temperature difference between healthy subjects and diabetes patients was found to be 0. [24] Olanzapine is effective for schizophrenia management; however, it is contraindicated in diabetes patients. [25] Moreover, it was observed that COVID-19 significantly increased the odds of COVID-19-related death in diabetes patients (OR = 1. [26] Conclusions: This study highlights critical gaps in Nepals health system capacity to offer basic health services to CVD and diabetes patients, owing to low availability, poor affordability and accessibility of essential medicines and diagnostics. [27] OBJECTIVE To determine the impact of pharmacist-led interventions on satisfaction, disease state knowledge and perception of self-management of diabetes patients. [28] Individuals with diabetes patients with LEA had a higher incidence of hypertension (P = 0. [29] Furthermore, poorly managed glycaemia in diabetes patients leads to increased risk of severe complications and higher mortality rate. [30] Methods: From January 2011 to August 2020, we performed 49 plantar forefoot reconstructions to cover soft tissue defects in diabetes patients using local random flaps, regional perforator-based flaps, or free flaps. [31] OBJECTIVE In this wireless motility capsule study, we aimed to investigate gastrointestinal transit and contractility in diabetes patients with and without constipation, and in healthy controls. [32] It is accepted that a subset of all diabetes patients, generally estimated to account for 1–2% of all diabetic cases, is attributed to mutations in single genes. [33] The dynamics of glucagon have attracted attention as a new target in the treatment of diabetes patients. [34] More importantly, healthcare professionals caring for diabetes patients need to be aware of Phytotherapy to include Phytomedicine into their practices and should try more responsibility in relation to these therapies that are mostly used throughout the world. [35] However, more convincing prospective studies in diabetes patients are scarce. [36] Methods We identified patients with incident DM from the Longitudinal Cohort of Diabetes Patients (LCDP) cohort (n = 429,616), and uncovered those developing CKD after DM and their propensity score-matched counterparts without. [37] The present study shows that the diabetes patients in comparison to control subjects have higher mental stress pertaining to hospital anxiety and distress and signicant economic distribution towards medical expenditure. [38] This result supports previous research showing a higher multidrug-resistant tuberculosis risk in tuberculosis & diabetes patients relative to those with no diabetes. [39] 07 x 10 7 CFU/mL of bacteria was successfully collected from periodontal plaques on diabetes patient. [40] PN causes severe morbidity for Type 2 diabetes (T2D) and prediabetes patients, including limb pain followed by numbness resulting from peripheral nerve damage. [41] After 3 months of observation, target achievement of LDL-C was higher in patients with T2D compared to non-diabetes patients; < 55 mg/dl: 51% vs. [42] Given the potential implications of this finding for the quality of life of diabetes patients, it is important to establish the causality of this relationship. [43] To explore young adults' experiences of outpatient follow‐up appointments, completing electronic Patient‐Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs), and using the Problem Areas In Diabetes (PAID) scale during the Diabetes Patient‐Reported Outcome Measures (DiaPROM) pilot trial. [44] A high glucose transport state and mismatched local hypoxia in the PT of diabetes patients may be the initiating factors causing PT injury. [45] Method: We performed an interview survey of functional gastrointestinal disorders in diabetes patients who visited the endocrinology clinic of a general hospital using the ROME III criteria. [46] Conclusion: Diabetes patients appear to be at higher risk of severe illness from COVID-19 than those without diabetes. [47] Management of postprandial hyperglycemia is important for preventing severe complications like cardiovascular disease in diabetes patients. [48] Today, skin reactions constitute a major cause of treatment discontinuation and many diabetes patients with an underlying contact allergy (CA) to the MD are reported. [49]糖尿病患者のグループでは、臓器合併症が存在する場合に死亡率が増加し、糖尿病性腎症または肥満と糖尿病の組み合わせがはるかに重要な危険因子でした。 [1] Hp遺伝子型の頻度の分布を調査し、糖尿病患者におけるHp遺伝子多型と血管合併症との関連を分析すること。 [2] 炭水化物からのエネルギー摂取の割合は、糖尿病のない患者よりも糖尿病患者の方が高く、一方、タンパク質と脂肪からのエネルギー摂取の割合