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Decreased accuracy of the prostate cancer EAU risk group classification in the era of imaging-guided diagnostic pathway: proposal for a new classification based on MRI-targeted biopsies and early oncologic outcomes after surgery

Three-Dimensional High-Definition Ventriculoscope: Single-Center Case Series.

Anaemia in patients who underwent vascular surgery: a significant predictor of amputation and death.

A biological or a synthetic mesh in immediate breast reconstruction? A cohort-study of long-term Health related Quality of Life (HrQoL).

Flap-sparing canaloplasty: a modified approach to Schlemm’s canal

Valve-Sparing Aortic Root Replacement as First-Choice Strategy in Acute Type a Aortic Dissection

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Consecutively Operated 連続運転の概要

Consecutively Operated 連続運転
Encyclopedia 百科事典