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Coil Inserts sentence examples within helical screw tape

Laminar flow heat transfer enhancement in square and rectangular channels having : (1) A wire-coil, axial and spiral corrugation combined with helical screw-tape with and without oblique teeth and a (2) spiral corrugation combined with twisted tapes with oblique teeth

Coil Inserts sentence examples within Wire Coil Inserts

Hydrothermal performance comparison of modified twisted tapes and wire coils in tubular heat exchanger using hybrid nanofluid

Thermohydraulic behavior of concentric tube heat exchanger inserted with conical wire coil using mono/hybrid nanofluids

Experimental investigation of screwed joints capabilities for the CFRP composite laminates

Next generation materials for future magnet development at CERN

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Coil Inserts コイルインサートの概要

Coil Inserts コイルインサート
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