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First observations of Least Tern (Sternula antillarum) eggs and other breeding observations on the island of O‘ahu, Hawai‘i

Model Pengelolaan Kepiting Bakau untuk Kelestarian Habitat Mangrove di Taman Nasional Kutai Provinsi Kalimantan Timur

Coastal Beach sentence examples within coastal beach ridge

Holocene morpho-sedimentary evolution of Marambaia Barrier Island (SE Brazil)

Investigating the sedimentary DNA of palaeotsunami deposits in Thailand.

Coastal Beach sentence examples within coastal beach erosion

Analysis of Wave Transmission Characteristics on the TTP Submerged Breakwater using a Parabolic-Type Linear Wave Deformation Model

Shoreline Variation Analysis by Cross-Shore Sediment Transport Resulting from Effects of Storm Waves

Learn more from Coastal Beach 沿岸のビーチ

Environmental Surveillance and Characterization of Antibiotic Resistant Staphylococcus aureus at Coastal Beaches and Rivers on the Island of Hawaiʻi

Experimental study on scour characteristics of the sheet-pile groin

Genome-wide investigation of the AP2/ERF superfamily and their expression under salt stress in Chinese willow (Salix matsudana)

Image recognition of coastal environment and aerobics sports based on remote sensing images based on deep learning


Influence of coastal beach stability based on interactive VR technology and bookbinding design of city library

Phytohormone content in brown macroalgae Sargassum from Lombok coast, Indonesia

Accumulation of microplastics in a downstream area of a semi-enclosed bay: Implications of input from coastal currents.

Plant debris are hotbeds for pathogenic bacteria on recreational sandy beaches

The fickle activity of a fly and a moth: variation in activity of two biocontrol agents of Chrysanthemoides monilifera

The Effect of Distributional Justice and Procedural Justice Towards Fisherman Compliance at Manado City

An Ethogram Describing the Nesting Behavior of Green Sea Turtles (Chelonia mydas)

Mineralogy, geochemistry and economic potentialities of heavy mineral sand resources of Bangladesh

RNA-Seq analysis of Clerodendrum inerme (L.) roots in response to salt stress

Prevalence, risk factors and genotype distribution of Toxoplasma gondii DNA in soil in China.

Numerical study of tsunami wave run-up and land inundation on coastal vegetated beaches

Storm runoff differentially influences the nutrient concentrations and microbial contamination at two distinct beaches in northern China.

Fecal indicator bacteria levels at beaches in the Florida Keys after Hurricane Irma.

Bacterial Diversity in Feces of Wild Bald Eagles, Turkey Vultures and Common Ravens from the Pacific Northwest Coast, U.S.A

Effect of porosity and submergence of detached homogeneous rubble mound breakwaters on wave transmission and short term coastal erosion - A numerical study

Genomic and transcriptomic analysis reveal molecular basis of salinity tolerance in a novel strong salt-tolerant rice landrace Changmaogu

More Coastal Beach 沿岸のビーチ sentence examples

Reappraisal of Herpetofauna Recorded from Jaffna Peninsula in Northern Sri Lanka with Remarks on Conservation, Diversity, and Distribution

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Coastal Beach 沿岸のビーチの概要

Coastal Beach 沿岸のビーチ
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