Discover more insights into Climate Warming 気候温暖化

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Climate Warming sentence examples within sea level rise

The role of sea-level changes in the evolution of coastal barriers – An example from the southwestern Baltic Sea

Progress in assessment of the Anthropocene Series in the Geological Time Scale (GTS)

Climate Warming sentence examples within land use change

Forest microclimates and climate change: Importance, drivers and future research agenda.

A multi-scenario ensemble streamflow forecast method for Amu Darya River Basin under considering climate and land-use changes

Climate Warming sentence examples within soil organic matter

Microbial inputs at the litter layer translate climate into altered organic matter properties

Impact of long-term fertilizer and summer warming treatments on bulk soil and birch rhizosphere microbial communities in mesic arctic tundra

Climate Warming sentence examples within circumpolar aquatic ecosystem

Fluvial carbon dioxide emission from the Lena River basin during the spring flood

Testing Landscape, Climate and Lithology Impact on Carbon, Major and Trace Elements of the Lena River and Its Tributaries During a Spring Flood Period

Climate Warming sentence examples within remain poorly understood

Different leaf carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus stoichiometry and carbon and nitrogen isotopes among peatland plants in northeastern China

Responses of soil ammonia-oxidizing bacteria and archaea to short-term warming and nitrogen input in a semi-arid grassland on the Loess Plateau

Climate Warming sentence examples within long term thermal

Cooling performance enhancement of a new expressway embankment in the Tibetan Plateau permafrost zone

Development of a novel vapor compression refrigeration system (VCRS) for permafrost cooling

Climate Warming sentence examples within Global Climate Warming

The impacts of environmental performance and development of financing decisions on economic sustainable performance: from the view of renewable and clean energy industry

The Impact of Climate Change on Agricultural Insect Pests

Climate Warming sentence examples within Future Climate Warming

Palynological investigations reveal Eemian interglacial vegetation dynamics at Spiezberg, Bernese Alps, Switzerland

Climate warming enhances microbial network complexity and stability

Climate Warming sentence examples within Ongoing Climate Warming

Palaeoclimate has a major effect on the diversity of endemic species in the hotspot of mountain biodiversity in Tajikistan

Glacial connectivity and current population fragmentation in sky-islands explain the contemporary distribution of genomic variation in two narrow-endemic montane grasshoppers from a biodiversity hotspot

Climate Warming sentence examples within Rapid Climate Warming

Experimental warming differentially affects vegetative and reproductive phenology of tundra plants

Mongolia’s Frozen Heritage: A Summary of the Archaeology of the Cultural Cryosphere

Climate Warming sentence examples within Anthropogenic Climate Warming

Anthropogenic climate change has altered lake state in the Sierra Nevada (California, USA).

Promoting climate-driven forest migration through large-scale urban afforestation

Climate Warming sentence examples within Recent Climate Warming

Effects of climate warming on the production of the pioneer moss Racomitrium japonicum: seasonal and year-to-year variations

Sea level under climate change: Understanding the links between the past and the future

Climate Warming sentence examples within Projected Climate Warming

Quantification of soil erosion (using 239+240Pu) on periglacial chronosequences reveals the importance of vegetation cover in soil stabilisation

Accelerating future mass loss of Svalbard glaciers from a multi-model ensemble

Climate Warming sentence examples within Simulated Climate Warming

Trophic downgrading decreases species asynchrony and community stability regardless of climate warming

Trophic downgrading decreases species asynchrony and community stability regardless of climate warming.

Climate Warming sentence examples within Under Climate Warming

Physiological diversity among sympatric, conspecific endosymbionts of coral (Cladocopium C1acro) from the Great Barrier Reef

Robust atmospheric river response to global warming in idealized and comprehensive climate models

Climate Warming sentence examples within Considering Climate Warming

Cooling performance enhancement of a new expressway embankment in the Tibetan Plateau permafrost zone

Necessity of cooling methods for transportation infrastructure construction in permafrost regions of Qinghai–Tibet Plateau

Climate Warming sentence examples within Significant Climate Warming

Leaf and Community Photosynthetic Carbon Assimilation of Alpine Plants Under in-situ Warming

Timing and Mechanisms of the Formation of the Dark Layers in the Sea of Japan During the Last 40 kyr

Climate Warming sentence examples within Local Climate Warming

Afrotropical montane birds experience upslope shifts and range contractions along a fragmented elevational gradient in response to global warming

Impact of Urban Land Cover Types on Surface Temperature

Climate Warming sentence examples within Term Climate Warming

Enhanced hydrological cycle increases ocean heat uptake and moderates transient climate change

Microbial abundance and enzymatic activity from tussock and shrub soil in permafrost peatland after 6-year warming

Climate Warming sentence examples within Arctic Climate Warming

Elemental and water-insoluble organic carbon in Svalbard snow: a synthesis of observations during 2007–2018

Surface outburst of a subglacial flood from the Greenland Ice Sheet

Climate Warming sentence examples within Amplified Climate Warming

Interannual Variability in Arctic Surface Energy Fluxes and their Drivers

Climate change reduces winter overland travel across the Pan-Arctic even under low-end global warming scenarios

Climate Warming sentence examples within Continued Climate Warming

Theoretical modeling and neritic monitoring of loggerhead Caretta caretta [Linnaeus, 1758] sea turtle sex ratio in the southeast U.S. do not substantiate fears of a male-limited population.

Climate drivers of large magnitude snow avalanche years in the U.S. northern Rocky Mountains

Climate Warming sentence examples within Accelerated Climate Warming

Geospatially analysing the dynamics of the Khurdopin Glacier surge using multispectral and temporal remote sensing and ground observations

Increasing environmental filtering of diazotrophic communities with a decade of latitudinal soil transplantation

Climate Warming sentence examples within Mitigating Climate Warming

Time dynamic climate impacts of a eucalyptus pulp product: Life cycle assessment including biogenic carbon and substitution effects

Phosphorus limit to the CO2 fertilization effect in tropical rainforests as informed from a coupled biogeochemical model

Climate Warming sentence examples within Experiencing Climate Warming

Influence of global warming on the growth of Populus /laurifolia.L/ trees along the Tuul River

Effect of climate and thaw depth on alpine vegetation variations at different permafrost degrading stages in the Tibetan Plateau, China

Climate Warming sentence examples within Fight Climate Warming

Rethinking methane from animal agriculture

Potential benefits of optimal intra-day electricity hedging for the environment: the perspective of electricity retailers

Climate Warming sentence examples within Predicted Climate Warming

Lichen-based critical loads for deposition of nitrogen and sulfur in US forests.

Invasive species in the Anthropocene: Help or hindrance?

Climate Warming sentence examples within With Climate Warming

A Review on Snowmelt Models: Progress and Prospect

Future high-resolution El Niño/Southern Oscillation dynamics

Climate Warming sentence examples within Reducing Climate Warming

Evaluating the Landscape of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Climate Mitigation Goals of the Global Food and Beverage Sector

Single site anchored BiOBr nanosheets for visible-light-driven CO2 Reduction

Climate Warming sentence examples within As Climate Warming

Building scientific capacity in disaster risk reduction for sustainable development

Shifting magnitude and timing of streamflow extremes and the relationship with rainfall across the Hawaiian Islands

Climate Warming sentence examples within Moderate Climate Warming

The physiological acclimation and growth response of Populus trichocarpa to warming.

Moderate warming will expand the suitable habitat of Ophiocordyceps sinensis and expand the area of O. sinensis with high adenosine content

Climate Warming sentence examples within Accelerate Climate Warming

Extremely wet summer events enhance permafrost thaw for multiple years in Siberian tundra

Enhancement of ecosystem carbon uptake in a dry shrubland under moderate warming: the role of nitrogen-driven changes in plant morphology.

Climate Warming sentence examples within Scale Climate Warming

As the Arctic becomes boreal: ongoing shifts in a high-Arctic seabird community.

Modulation of vegetation restoration on outdoor thermal comfort over the Loess Plateau, China from 1982 to 2015

Climate Warming sentence examples within Both Climate Warming

Response of the soil food web to warming and litter removal in the Tibetan Plateau, China

Plateau pika offsets the positive effects of warming on soil organic carbon in an alpine swamp meadow on the Tibetan Plateau

Climate Warming sentence examples within Strong Climate Warming

Black Carbon Particles Needs Attention in Climate Change Mitigation Policies

Elevational Movement of Vegetation Greenness on the Tibetan Plateau: Evidence from the Landsat Satellite Observations during the Last Three Decades

Climate Warming sentence examples within Continuou Climate Warming

Different response of earlywood vessel features of Fraxinus mandshurica to rapid warming in warm-dry and cold-wet areas

Detecting and quantifying the impact of long-term terrestrial water storage changes on the runoff ratio in the head regions of the two largest rivers in China

Climate Warming sentence examples within Mitigate Climate Warming

3D experimental investigation on enhanced oil recovery by flue gas assisted steam assisted gravity drainage

A review of transformative strategies for climate mitigation by grasslands.

Climate Warming sentence examples within Present Climate Warming

Applications of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) surveys and Structure from Motion photogrammetry in glacial and periglacial geomorphology

Deoxygenation dynamics on the western Nile deep-sea fan during sapropel S1 from seasonal to millennial timescales

Climate Warming sentence examples within Extreme Climate Warming

Future forest composition under a changing climate and adaptive forest management in southeastern Vermont, USA

Patterns of tree species richness in Southwest China

Climate Warming sentence examples within Increased Climate Warming

The cooling of light rains in a warming world

Assessing the short-term impacts of variable retention harvesting (VRH) and climatic drivers on carbon sequestration and growth of a red pine (Pinus resinosa) plantation in southern Ontario, Canada

Climate Warming sentence examples within Modern Climate Warming

Environmental controls over Holocene carbon accumulation in Distichia muscoides-dominated peatlands in the eastern Andes of Colombia


Climate Warming sentence examples within Increasing Climate Warming

Heritable responses to combined effects of heat stress and ivermectin in the yellow dung fly.

Predicting the impacts of climate change on the distribution of Moringa peregrina (Forssk.) Fiori — A conservation approach

Climate Warming sentence examples within Following Climate Warming

Vier Dekaden Weberknechtforschung mit dem 64. Band der ‚Tierwelt Deutschlands‘ – Rückblick, aktueller Stand und Ausblick

Sensitivity of vegetation dynamics to climate variability in a forest-steppe transition ecozone, north-eastern Inner Mongolia, China

Climate Warming sentence examples within Regional Climate Warming

Long-term succession of diatom community under hydro-climatic fluctuations in Taiping Reservoir, Yunnan Province, China.

Phenological advance of blossoming over the past century in one of the world’s largest urban forests, Gauteng City-Region, South Africa

Climate Warming sentence examples within Anticipated Climate Warming

Calibrating microcharcoal in recent marine sediments: implications to reconstruct paleofire regimes on African continent

Investigating the species-specific association between anuran calling phenology and air temperature

Climate Warming sentence examples within Upon Climate Warming

Genetic diversity and population structure in Vitis species illustrate phylogeographic patterns in eastern North America

Downstream Evolution of Particulate Organic Matter Composition From Permafrost Thaw Slumps

Climate Warming sentence examples within climate warming may

Palaeoclimate has a major effect on the diversity of endemic species in the hotspot of mountain biodiversity in Tajikistan

Effects of extreme temperature on China’s tea production

Climate Warming sentence examples within climate warming scenario

How the growth of ice depends on the fluid dynamics underneath

Thermal Sensitivity of Heat Sensor TRPA1 Correlates With Temperatures Inducing Heat Avoidance Behavior in Terrestrial Ectotherms

Climate Warming sentence examples within climate warming affect

No effect of long-term soil warming on diffusive soil inorganic and organic nitrogen fluxes in a temperate forest soil

Land conversion regulates the effects of long-term climate warming on soil micro-food web communities

Climate Warming sentence examples within climate warming would

Responses of spawning thermal suitability to climate change and hydropower operation for typical fishes below the Three Gorges Dam

[Effects of experimental warming on soil nitrogen transformation in alpine scrubland of eastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China].