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Circumferential Pressure sentence examples within circumferential pressure distribution

Numerical and experimental studies on flow performances and hydraulic radial forces of an internal gear pump with a high pressure

3D wind buckling analysis of steel silos with stepped walls

Circumferential Pressure sentence examples within circumferential pressure gradient

URANS investigation of the interaction between the free surface and a shallowly submerged underwater vehicle at steady drift

RANS feasibility study of using roughness to mimic transition strip effect on the crossflowseparation over a 6:1 prolate-spheroid

Circumferential Pressure sentence examples within circumferential pressure fluctuation

Experimental investigation of the nonlinear pressure fluctuations in a residual heat removal pump

Effects of endwall profiling near the blade leading edge on the sealing effectiveness of turbine rim seal

Learn more from Circumferential Pressure 円周圧力

Effects of dynamic lycra orthosis as an adjunct to rehabilitation after botulinum toxin-A injection of the upper-limb in adults following stroke: A single-blinded randomized controlled pilot study

Three‐dimensional imaging of upper esophageal sphincter resting pressure

Learn more from Circumferential Pressure 円周圧力

Circumferential Pressure 円周圧力の概要

Circumferential Pressure 円周圧力
Encyclopedia 百科事典