C Cycling
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C Cycling sentence examples within electrochemical impedance spectroscopy
Using a combination of 19F solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (SSNMR) spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), we show that FEC decomposes during galvanostatic cycling to form insoluble KF and K2CO3 on the anode surface, which correlate with increased interfacial resistance.
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The Li//PI cells are investigated by the methods of cyclic voltammetry (CV), staircase potential electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, and galvanostatic cycling.
Li // PIセルは、サイクリックボルタンメトリー(CV)、階段電位電気化学インピーダンス分光法、および定電流サイクリングの方法によって調査されます。
Li // PIセルは、サイクリックボルタンメトリー(CV)、階段電位電気化学インピーダンス分光法、および定電流サイクリングの方法によって調査されます。
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C Cycling sentence examples within soil organic matter
The characteristics of soil organic matter (SOM) such as stocks, sources and stability, are important for understanding soil functioning and C cycling in an eroding field.
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The microbial influence on C cycling range from the way they decompose soil organic matter (SOM) to their contributions on the formation of soil aggregates that are particularly important for physical C stabilization in soils.
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C Cycling sentence examples within & # 160
 Despite the recognized importance of mineral protection as a driver of soil C cycling in terrestrial ecosystems, little is known on how mineral-organic association will modulate the response of microbial CUE to increasing N availability.
 ミネラル保護の重要性が認識されているにもかかわらず 陸域生態系における土壌Cサイクリングの推進力として、ミネラルと有機物の結合がNの利用可能性の増加に対する微生物CUEの応答をどのように調節するかについてはほとんどわかっていません。
 ミネラル保護の重要性が認識されているにもかかわらず 陸域生態系における土壌Cサイクリングの推進力として、ミネラルと有機物の結合がNの利用可能性の増加に対する微生物CUEの応答をどのように調節するかについてはほとんどわかっていません。
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<p>      Litter accumulates yearly since vegetations were widely planted for reforestation, and it plays an important role in hydrologic cycling.
<p>&#160; &#160; &#160;植林のために植林が行われているため、毎年ゴミがたまり、水文循環に重要な役割を果たしています。
<p>&#160; &#160; &#160;植林のために植林が行われているため、毎年ゴミがたまり、水文循環に重要な役割を果たしています。
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C Cycling sentence examples within post fire soil
Approximately half of temperate forest carbon (C) is stored in soil, so post-fire soil C cycling likely impacts forest C sink strength.
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The large differences observed between the post-fire soil with ash, and both the pre- and post-fire soil without ash, clearly suggest that ash is a key player in C fluxes and should be taken into account in post-fire C cycling studies.
灰を含む火災後の土壌と、灰を含まない火災前および火災後の土壌の間に観察された大きな違いは、灰がCフラックスの主要なプレーヤーであり、火災後のCサイクリング研究で考慮に入れる必要があることを明確に示唆しています。 。
灰を含む火災後の土壌と、灰を含まない火災前および火災後の土壌の間に観察された大きな違いは、灰がCフラックスの主要なプレーヤーであり、火災後のCサイクリング研究で考慮に入れる必要があることを明確に示唆しています。 。
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C Cycling sentence examples within bulk metallic glass
The study on the structure and mechanical properties of Zr55Al10Ni5Cu29Y1 bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) indicates that deep cryogenic cycling treatment (DCT) is an effective method to improve room-temperature plasticity of BMGs containing trace rare earth elements.
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C Cycling sentence examples within Soil C Cycling
We used piecewise structural equation modelling (SEM) to further refine the role of biotic indices (leaf, root and microbial characteristics), and abiotic factors (soil physio-chemical metrics) on soil C cycling processes in riparian systems.
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However, field-based findings on soil moisture sensitivity to soil C cycling are very limited.
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C Cycling sentence examples within Terrestrial C Cycling
Despite the negative impacts of drought on terrestrial C cycling, our understanding of the responses of above- and belowground productivity to drought remains incomplete.
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However, it is challenging to incorporate these feedbacks into predictions of future patterns of terrestrial C cycling, largely because of the vast diversity of soil microorganisms and their responses to environmental conditions.
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C Cycling sentence examples within Ecosystem C Cycling
The pulse effects of precipitation are important for ecosystem C cycling and soil C balance, although their spatial variation in forest soils and the underlying mechanisms remain unclear.
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The response of soil microbial decomposition of soil organic carbon (C) to temperature variation against an average warming background is of great importance to understand how climate change affects the ecosystem C cycling.
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C Cycling sentence examples within Global C Cycling
While tropical forests exert a disproportionately large influence on global C cycling, there remains an open question on changes in below-ground soil C stocks with global increases in nitrogen (N) deposition, because N supply often does not constrain the growth of tropical forests.
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Significance Permafrost degradation may induce soil carbon (C) loss, critical for global C cycling, and be mediated by microbes.
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C Cycling sentence examples within Forest C Cycling
We initiated the Forest Accelerated Succession Experiment (FASET) at the University of Michigan Biological Station to examine the patterns and mechanisms underlying forest C cycling following the stem girdling-induced mortality of >6,700 early successional Populus spp.
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Estimation of the interim period during which the ecosystem turns from a C source to a C sink is crucial for clarifying the environmental effects of management on forest C cycling.
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C Cycling sentence examples within Alter C Cycling
Given their ability to capture seasonal dynamics, remote-sensing based models, such as those tested here, will likely be an important tool for assessing how climate variability alters C cycling dynamics in these spatially and temporally heterogeneous landscapes.
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Using advanced instrumental analysis, like EPR, 1H NMR and FT-IR
spectroscopy it has been found that clear-cutting, alters C cycling and
accelerates decomposition in the forest floor leading to loss of humic
fractions in the investigated soils.
EPR、1H NMR、FT-IRなどの高度な機器分析を使用する
EPR、1H NMR、FT-IRなどの高度な機器分析を使用する 分光法は、皆伐がCサイクリングを変化させ、 林床での分解を促進し、腐植物質の喪失につながる 調査した土壌の画分。
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C Cycling sentence examples within Affecting C Cycling
Drought limits the metabolic activity of plants and soil organisms, either directly or through reduced belowground carbon (C) allocation of recent assimilates, thus affecting C cycling in the plant-soil system.
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Though aerobic carbon dioxide (CO2) production is generally understood to follow an Arrhenius-type temperature dependence, the temperature sensitivity of anaerobic metabolisms such as iron (Fe) reduction and methane (CH4) fluxes, both processes affecting C cycling in soils, remains unclear in upland soils.
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C Cycling sentence examples within c cycling test
Meanwhile, they revealed excellent long-term (>800 h) electrochemical compatibilities with lithium electrodes in galvanostatic cycling tests.
一方、彼らは定電流サイクリングテストでリチウム電極との優れた長期(> 800時間)の電気化学的互換性を明らかにしました。
一方、彼らは定電流サイクリングテストでリチウム電極との優れた長期(> 800時間)の電気化学的互換性を明らかにしました。
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Structure and morphology of the electrolyte are investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), respectively, while its electrochemical features are revealed by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), cyclic voltammetry (CV), chronoamperometry, and galvanostatic cycling tests in lithium cell.
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C Cycling sentence examples within c cycling treatment
The effect of cryogenic cycling treatment on the elastic properties of a Fe48Cr15Mo14C15B6Y2 bulk metallic glass containing a nanometer scale native oxide film is studied in the present work using an atomic force microscope.
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A total of 63 subjects with methamphetamine addiction were recruited and randomly divided into three groups for cognitive study in four behavioral states: an anaerobic resistance treatment group, an aerobic cycling treatment group and a control group.
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C Cycling sentence examples within c cycling exercise
In this study we investigated the effects of hydrogen (H2) supplement, in the form of calcium bound H2 powder capsules, on aerobic and anaerobic cycling exercise.
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We examined changes in plasma creatine kinase (CK) activity, hydroxyproline and cell-free DNA (cfDNA) concentrations in relation to changes in maximum voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC) torque and delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS) following a session of volume-matched higher- (HI) versus lower-intensity (LI) eccentric cycling exercise.
目的 血漿クレアチンキナーゼ(CK)活性、ヒドロキシプロリンおよび無細胞DNA(cfDNA)濃度の変化を、ボリュームセッション後の最大随意等尺性収縮(MVIC)トルクおよび遅発性筋肉痛(DOMS)の変化に関連して調べました。高(HI)対低強度(LI)の偏心サイクリング運動に一致しました。
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C Cycling sentence examples within c cycling datum
A combination of ex situ and in situ techniques is used both to identify the anolyte formed after nucleophilic attack and to help explain the cyclic voltammetry and galvanostatic cycling data.
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C Cycling sentence examples within c cycling training
Therefore, we examined changes in integrin-ILK-RICTOR-Akt protein in vastus lateralis (VL) before and after 8 weeks of eccentric cycling training (ECC) which was expected to increase muscle function and VL cross-sectional area (CSA).
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Despite improved hemodynamic efficiency, the effect of eccentric cycling training (ECT) on erythrocyte antioxidative capacity remains unclear.
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C Cycling sentence examples within c cycling rate
By tracing SC cycling rates in vivo using the doxycycline‐inducible H2B‐GFP mouse model, we found that SCs lacking OGT cycled at lower rates and reduced in abundance with time.
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C Cycling sentence examples within c cycling process
We used piecewise structural equation modelling (SEM) to further refine the role of biotic indices (leaf, root and microbial characteristics), and abiotic factors (soil physio-chemical metrics) on soil C cycling processes in riparian systems.
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These findings extend our understanding of fungal processes to standing litter in terrestrial ecosystems, and highlight the quantitative importance of fungi in C cycling processes.
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C Cycling sentence examples within c cycling performance
C Cycling sentence examples within c cycling experiment
A range of voltammetry and galvanostatic cycling experiments along with x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy support that redox is indeed centered on V and that capacity is dependent on the V content.
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C Cycling sentence examples within c cycling stability
The self-made ZAB based on 2D Fe-NG exhibits high peak power density, excellent rechargeable performance, and higher D-C cycling stability.
2D Fe-NGをベースにした自作のZABは、高いピーク電力密度、優れた充電性能、およびより高いD-Cサイクリング安定性を示します。
2D Fe-NGをベースにした自作のZABは、高いピーク電力密度、優れた充電性能、およびより高いD-Cサイクリング安定性を示します。
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2% and high catalytic cycling stability for the 4-NP reduction.
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C Cycling sentence examples within c cycling frequency
We quantify the nonequilibrium dynamics of pairs of network nodes by the characteristic cycling frequency ω-an experimentally accessible measure of the circulation of the associated phase space currents.
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A clear dependence on the electric cycling frequency is observed in the rates of degradation of all measured properties including an up to 10% increase in dynamic compliance and a 70% decrease in electric displacement magnitude.
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C Cycling sentence examples within c cycling route
In order to make suggestions for the optimization of the cycling environment in Qingdao, five aspects of developing the characteristic cycling route of coastal tourism are put forward.
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This study explored Taiwan’s top 10 classic cycling routes, as selected in a 2015 competition.
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C Cycling sentence examples within c cycling measurement
The results of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and galvanostatic cycling measurements show large changes in the cell without the presence of HMPA at higher temperatures (≥60 °C).
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Particularly, under galvanostatic cycling measurements, ZABs using 3DOM P-Co3O4–δ containing air cathode showcase a potential gap of 0.
特に、定電流サイクリング測定では、エアカソードを含む3DOM P-Co3O4–δを使用するZABは、0の電位ギャップを示します。
特に、定電流サイクリング測定では、エアカソードを含む3DOM P-Co3O4–δを使用するZABは、0の電位ギャップを示します。
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C Cycling sentence examples within c cycling within
Finally, we conclude that fertilisation changed soil pH and total N, which were the major drivers affecting the SOC physical fractions and chemical structure, and the effects were caused by altering the bacterial community composition and fungal genes involved in C cycling within soil aggregates following long-term fertilisation.
最後に、施肥により土壌のpHと総Nが変化し、SOCの物理的画分と化学構造に影響を与える主な要因であり、その影響は、土壌凝集体内のCサイクリングに関与する細菌群集組成と真菌遺伝子の変化によって引き起こされたと結論付けます。 -期間受精。
最後に、施肥により土壌のpHと総Nが変化し、SOCの物理的画分と化学構造に影響を与える主な要因であり、その影響は、土壌凝集体内のCサイクリングに関与する細菌群集組成と真菌遺伝子の変化によって引き起こされたと結論付けます。 -期間受精。
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Moreover, riverine biospheric-carbon ages scale proportionally with basin-wide soil carbon turnover times and soil 14C ages, implicating OC cycling within soils as a primary control on exported biomarker ages and revealing a broad distribution of soil OC reactivities.
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C Cycling sentence examples within c cycling proces
The crystal structure, texture properties, film morphology, and electrochemical properties are compared before and after galvanostatic cycling process.
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It is also found that the primary elastostatic loading facilitates the subsequent rejuvenation evolution caused by the cryogenic cycling process.
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C Cycling sentence examples within c cycling remain
It is well established that land use change (LUC) can impact soil organic carbon (SOC) in tropical regions, but the long-term effects of LUC on soil quality and C cycling remain unclear.
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Although aquabiking has become widespread, the assessment of the intensity for aquatic cycling remains poorly defined.
バックグラウンド アクアバイクは広く普及していますが、アクアティックサイクリングの強度の評価はまだ十分に定義されていません。
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Antibiotic cycling is a widely known antimicrobial stewardship initiative which encompasses periodical shifts in empirical treatment protocols with the aim of limiting selective pressures on bacterial populations.
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Dysregulation of O-GlcNAc cycling is implicated in the etiology of type II diabetes, heart failure, hypertension, and Alzheimer's disease, as well as cardioprotection.
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Nitrogen and P addition significantly interacted to affect nematodes abundance, biomass, and functional variables of C cycling, in that P addition increased all the variables under ambient N condition but not under N enriched condition.
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Despite recent reports of improved reliability under electric cycling of HfO2 with various dopants, a deep understanding of the experimental results is still needed.
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Dissecting the compositional profile of soils could help better understand the potential mechanisms driving changes in C cycling under enriched N conditions.
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