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FliPer$_{Class}$: In search of solar-like pulsators among TESS targets.

Developing a Physical Activity Ontology to Support the Interoperability of Physical Activity Data

Predatory Conversation Detection

Breast cancers with a HER2/CEP17 ratio of 2.0 or greater and an average HER2 copy number of less than 4.0 per cell: frequency, immunohistochemical correlation, and clinicopathological features.

Funnelling: A New Ensemble Method for Heterogeneous Transfer Learning and its Application to Polylingual Text Classification

Latent Semantic Index: A Microservices Architecture

Fault Diagnosis of Hydraulic Seal Wear and Internal Leakage Using Wavelets and Wavelet Neural Network

Automatic Texture Based Classification of the Dynamics of One-Dimensional Binary Cellular Automata

An Algorithm for the Automatic Detection and Quantification of Athletes’ Change of Direction Incidents Using IMU Sensor Data

Vehicle Classification using IPCP and EsKNN Algorithm for Surveillance Camera

Zero-shot transfer for implicit discourse relation classification

Proposal and Evaluation of A Method for Automatically Classifying Images of Agricultural Work and Animals Acquired with Motion Sensor Cameras

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Automatically Classifying 自動分類
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