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Analytical Minimization-Based Regularized Subpixel Shear-Wave Tracking for Ultrasound Elastography

Study on Aging Characteristics of Cast A357 Alloy

Aging Mechanical sentence examples within aging mechanical ventilation

Relationship between patent foramen ovale and COVID-19 in patients admitted to an intensive care unit

Ventilatory Strategies in the Brain-injured Patient

Impact of Permissive Hypoxia and Hyperoxia Avoidance on Clinical Outcomes in Septic Patients Receiving Mechanical Ventilation: A Retrospective Single-Center Study

Impact of nursing experience on cancellation of light sedation for mechanically ventilated patients in a setting of 1 : 2 nurse-patient ratio.

Medication Use and Risk of Delirium in Mechanically Ventilated Patients.

Design of 2.4X Dual Field of View MWIR (3-5µm) Zoom Lens

Zirconia surface modifications for implant dentistry.

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Aging Mechanical 老化機械の概要

Aging Mechanical 老化機械
Encyclopedia 百科事典