Across Modalities
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Across Modalities sentence examples within Correlation Across Modalities
Our model emphasises the consistency and correlation across modalities, by extracting the semantic and sentiment interactions between image and text in a hierarchical way, which could cope with the noise and joint understanding issues, respectively.
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Looking into the literature, we find that one leading type of existing cross-modal retrieval methods has been broadly investigated to alleviate the above problems by capturing the correlations across modalities as well as learning hashing codes.
文献を調べると、既存のクロスモーダル検索方法の 1 つの主要なタイプが、モダリティ間の相関関係を取得し、ハッシュ コードを学習することによって上記の問題を軽減するために広く調査されていることがわかります。
文献を調べると、既存のクロスモーダル検索方法の 1 つの主要なタイプが、モダリティ間の相関関係を取得し、ハッシュ コードを学習することによって上記の問題を軽減するために広く調査されていることがわかります。
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Across Modalities sentence examples within Feature Across Modalities
The proposed approach uses a multi-modal autoencoder training which creates a compressed data representation containing correlated features across modalities.
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The ResNet50 backbone model can learn shared features across modalities to tolerate modality discrepancies between RGB and IR.
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Across Modalities sentence examples within Representation Across Modalities
Finally, the correlation representations across modalities are fused via attention mechanism into a shared representation to emphasize the most important features for segmentation.
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Multimodal tasks require learning joint representation across modalities.
マルチモーダル タスクでは、モダリティ間の共同表現を学習する必要があります。
マルチモーダル タスクでは、モダリティ間の共同表現を学習する必要があります。
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Across Modalities sentence examples within Information Across Modalities
We initially asked whether this advantage for dynamic stimuli is due to shared information across modalities that is encoded in articulatory mouth movements.
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The literature on the mobile paradigm demonstrates that infants below 6 months of age can remember the learning environment weeks after when reminded periodically and integrate temporally distributed information across modalities.
Mobile Paradigmに関する文献は、6ヶ月未満の乳児が定期的に再発し、様式に分散した情報をモダリティにまたがって統合した後の学習環境を覚えていることを示しています。
Mobile Paradigmに関する文献は、6ヶ月未満の乳児が定期的に再発し、様式に分散した情報をモダリティにまたがって統合した後の学習環境を覚えていることを示しています。
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Across Modalities sentence examples within Result Across Modalities
One reason for this lack of clarity is that most studies employ a single neural recording modality-each with strengths and weaknesses-with few examples of integrating results across modalities.
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Future MS exercise studies are further encouraged to adapt a consensus 'core battery' of physical function tests to facilitate a detailed comparison of results across modalities.
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Across Modalities sentence examples within Similar Across Modalities
While those modalities lead to similar consequences, exposing individuals to non-self HLA, it is unknown whether the immunologic responses related to those exposures are similar across modalities.
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Periprocedural (30-day) mortality, amputation, and major adverse cardiac events are broadly similar across modalities.
周術期 (30 日) の死亡率、切断、および主要な心臓有害事象は、モダリティ間で広く類似しています。
周術期 (30 日) の死亡率、切断、および主要な心臓有害事象は、モダリティ間で広く類似しています。
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Across Modalities sentence examples within Relationship Across Modalities
Data-driven approaches have proven most useful for multimodal fusion as they minimize assumptions imposed on the data, and there are a number of methods that have been developed to uncover relationships across modalities.
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However, integrating and interpreting such large-scale multi-modal data remains challenging, especially given highly heterogeneous, nonlinear relationships across modalities.
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Across Modalities sentence examples within Vary Across Modalities
There exist a number of different non-pharmacological therapies to address PLP, however the scientific rigor and levels of evidence vary across modalities.
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We test if subtle pauses signalling word boundaries change the encoding and, in adults, if it varies across modalities.
Signaling Wordの境界がエンコーディングを変更し、大人の場合はモダリティごとに異なる場合は、微妙な場合はテストします。
Signaling Wordの境界がエンコーディングを変更し、大人の場合はモダリティごとに異なる場合は、微妙な場合はテストします。
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Across Modalities sentence examples within Generalize Across Modalities
First, we did not test productive knowledge of the phenomena or carry out a delayed posttest, so we could not assess how learning gains would generalize across modalities or time.
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Results overall suggest that the perceptual asymmetry between spatial and temporal domains does not necessarily generalize across modalities, and that time is not generally more abstract than space.
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Across Modalities sentence examples within Learning Across Modalities
Our system is built by leveraging transfer learning across modalities, tasks and languages.
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Across these three areas of research, visual word learning improves when phonology is made more available to adult learners, suggesting that phonology can facilitate learning across modalities.
これら 3 つの研究分野全体で、大人の学習者が音韻をより利用できるようにすると、視覚的な単語の学習が改善され、音韻がモダリティを超えた学習を促進できることが示唆されます。
これら 3 つの研究分野全体で、大人の学習者が音韻をより利用できるようにすると、視覚的な単語の学習が改善され、音韻がモダリティを超えた学習を促進できることが示唆されます。
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Across Modalities sentence examples within Interaction Across Modalities
We first introduce a procedure to convert unaligned multimodal sequence data into a graph with heterogeneous nodes and edges that captures the rich interactions across modalities and through time.
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In our quantum-inspired framework, the word interaction within a single modality and the interaction across modalities are formulated with superposition and entanglement respectively at different stages.
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Across Modalities sentence examples within Consistent Across Modalities
Our approach reveals strong alignment between transcriptomic and electrophysiological characterizations, enables accurate cross-modal data prediction, and identifies cell types that are consistent across modalities.
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Patterns of satisfaction are consistent across modalities and show that telehealth appears to be a viable alternative to in-person appointments.
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Across Modalities sentence examples within Similarity Across Modalities
Most pioneer efforts in this direction either consider similarity across modalities or leverage discriminative information of the class labels to learn the common latent representation.
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, orthographic similarity in the visual modality and phonological similarity in the auditory modality) leads to improved signal detection, whereas similarity across modalities hinders it.
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Across Modalities sentence examples within Content Across Modalities
In this paper, we address these with a novel cross-modal memory network (CMMN), in which memory contents across modalities are simultaneously learned from end to end without the need of exact alignment.
このホワイト ペーパーでは、これらに新しいクロスモーダル メモリ ネットワーク (CMMN) を使用して対処します。CMMN では、モダリティ全体のメモリ コンテンツが、正確なアライメントを必要とせずにエンドツーエンドで同時に学習されます。
このホワイト ペーパーでは、これらに新しいクロスモーダル メモリ ネットワーク (CMMN) を使用して対処します。CMMN では、モダリティ全体のメモリ コンテンツが、正確なアライメントを必要とせずにエンドツーエンドで同時に学習されます。
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The findings revealed a constellation of textual-visual-numeracy modalities that necessitated modal shifts in translating and transforming subject content across modalities.
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Across Modalities sentence examples within Integration Across Modalities
Probabilistic models have provided the underpinnings for state-of-the-art performance in many single-cell omics data analysis tasks, including dimensionality reduction, clustering, differential expression, annotation, removal of unwanted variation, and integration across modalities.
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While there are many modality-specific tools to process these data, there is a lack of integration across modalities.
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Across Modalities sentence examples within Perception Across Modalities
They also show impaired perception across modalities, including kinesthetic perception.
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While there are methods that consider personalized captioning, they do not consider personalized perception across modalities, i.
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Across Modalities sentence examples within Difference Across Modalities
Recently, multi-modal applications bring a need for a human-like understanding of the perception differences across modalities.
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Our results suggest these effects are a consequence of state estimation, with differences across modalities reflecting their different levels of sensory uncertainty arising as a consequence of dissimilar feedback delays.
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Across Modalities sentence examples within Observed Across Modalities
Moreover, our findings make an important contribution by suggesting that improved perceptual discrimination performance observed across modalities is a signature of optimized coding in the brain when neural variability is taken into account.
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Conclusions: Significant modality differences in lexical encoding and memory retrieval speeds were observed across modalities.
結論: モダリティ間で字句エンコーディングとメモリ検索速度に有意なモダリティの違いが観察されました。
結論: モダリティ間で字句エンコーディングとメモリ検索速度に有意なモダリティの違いが観察されました。
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Across Modalities sentence examples within Pattern Across Modalities
In this paper, we conduct a comparative study of mobile application, mobile browser, and web browser versions of 105 popular services to investigate variations in dark patterns across modalities.
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Surprisingly, both visual and auditory choices can be decoded from V1, but decoding takes advantage of unique activity patterns across modalities.
驚くべきことに、視覚と聴覚の両方の選択を V1 からデコードできますが、デコードはモダリティ全体で固有の活動パターンを利用します。
驚くべきことに、視覚と聴覚の両方の選択を V1 からデコードできますが、デコードはモダリティ全体で固有の活動パターンを利用します。
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Across Modalities sentence examples within Transfer Across Modalities
People's everyday lives offer plenty of situations where complex processing of information takes place, in which information needs to transfer across modalities to achieve a behavioral goal.
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Conclusions The presence of AVH predicted false alarm rate in auditory language perception, whereas the presence of non-verbal auditory or visual hallucinations was not, suggesting that enhanced top-down processing does not transfer across modalities.
結論 AVH の存在は、聴覚言語知覚における誤警報率を予測しましたが、非言語的聴覚または視覚幻覚の存在はそうではなく、強化されたトップダウン処理がモダリティ間で転送されないことを示唆しています。
結論 AVH の存在は、聴覚言語知覚における誤警報率を予測しましたが、非言語的聴覚または視覚幻覚の存在はそうではなく、強化されたトップダウン処理がモダリティ間で転送されないことを示唆しています。
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Across Modalities sentence examples within Manifold Across Modalities
The idea of functional mapping is finally used to align the different manifolds across modalities.
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In this case, we propose an unsupervised cross-modal hashing framework named as Unsupervised Deep Fusion Cross-modal Hashing (UDFCH) which leverages the data fusion to capture the underlying manifold across modalities to avoid above problem.
この場合、上記の問題を回避するために、データ融合を活用してモダリティ全体で基礎となる多様体をキャプチャする、教師なしディープ フュージョン クロスモーダル ハッシング (UDFCH) という名前の教師なしクロスモーダル ハッシング フレームワークを提案します。
この場合、上記の問題を回避するために、データ融合を活用してモダリティ全体で基礎となる多様体をキャプチャする、教師なしディープ フュージョン クロスモーダル ハッシング (UDFCH) という名前の教師なしクロスモーダル ハッシング フレームワークを提案します。
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Across Modalities sentence examples within Integrated Across Modalities
By applying a trial-to-trial Bayesian surprise model to human electroencephalography data recorded during a cross-modal oddball task, we tested whether there are separate predictive models for different sensory modalities (visual, auditory), or whether expectations are integrated across modalities such that surprise in one modality decreases surprise for a subsequent unexpected event in the other modality.
クロスモーダルオドボールタスク中に記録された人間の脳波データに試行ごとのベイジアンサプライズモデルを適用することにより、さまざまな感覚モダリティ (視覚、聴覚) に対して個別の予測モデルがあるかどうか、または期待がモダリティ全体で統合されているかどうかをテストしました。あるモダリティでのその驚きは、他のモダリティでのその後の予期せぬ出来事に対する驚きを減少させます。
クロスモーダルオドボールタスク中に記録された人間の脳波データに試行ごとのベイジアンサプライズモデルを適用することにより、さまざまな感覚モダリティ (視覚、聴覚) に対して個別の予測モデルがあるかどうか、または期待がモダリティ全体で統合されているかどうかをテストしました。あるモダリティでのその驚きは、他のモダリティでのその後の予期せぬ出来事に対する驚きを減少させます。
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By applying a trial-to-trial Bayesian surprise model to human electroencephalography data recorded during a cross-modal oddball task, we tested whether there are separate predictive models for different sensory modalities (visual, auditory), or whether expectations are integrated across modalities such that surprise in one modality decreases surprise for a subsequent unexpected event in the other modality.
クロスモーダルオドボールタスク中に記録された人間の脳波データに試行ごとのベイジアンサプライズモデルを適用することにより、さまざまな感覚モダリティ (視覚、聴覚) に対して個別の予測モデルがあるかどうか、または期待がモダリティ全体で統合されているかどうかをテストしました。あるモダリティでのその驚きは、他のモダリティでのその後の予期せぬ出来事に対する驚きを減少させます。
クロスモーダルオドボールタスク中に記録された人間の脳波データに試行ごとのベイジアンサプライズモデルを適用することにより、さまざまな感覚モダリティ (視覚、聴覚) に対して個別の予測モデルがあるかどうか、または期待がモダリティ全体で統合されているかどうかをテストしました。あるモダリティでのその驚きは、他のモダリティでのその後の予期せぬ出来事に対する驚きを減少させます。
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Across Modalities sentence examples within Inherent Across Modalities
However, most of the current data fusion methods analyze each single dataset separately and further infer the relationship among them, which fail to utilize the multidimensional structure inherent across modalities and may ignore complex but important interactions.
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We propose a framework for the multimodal automated assessment of students’ writing and drawing to leverage the synergies inherent across modalities and create a more complete and accurate picture of a student's knowledge.
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Across Modalities sentence examples within Asymmetry Across Modalities
In this paper, we introduce speculative inference on multi-modal data streams to adapt to these asymmetries across modalities.
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In the present study, we investigated whether perceptual features predict this frequency asymmetry across modalities.
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Across Modalities sentence examples within Shared Across Modalities
Thus, paying selective attention to a specific sensory input modality may regulate the semantic information that is partly processed in brain networks that are shared across modalities.
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Whereas these studies have suggested that local control processes are selectively recruited during mixed-language production, the present study investigated whether measures of global control show the same dependence on modality, or are shared across modalities.
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Across Modalities sentence examples within Structure Across Modalities
In this study, we present Pamona, a partial Gromov-Wasserstein distance based manifold alignment framework that integrates heterogeneous single-cell multi-omics datasets with the aim of delineating and representing the shared and dataset-specific cellular structures across modalities.
この研究では、異種の単一セルマルチオミックスデータセットをモダリティにまたがって共有およびデータセット特異的なセルラ構造を描写し、表現することを目的とした、異種の単一セルマルチオミックスデータセットを統合する部分グロモフ - WasperStein距離に基づくマニホールドアラインメント枠組みを提示します。
結果 この研究では、異種の単一セルマルチオミックスデータセットをモダリティにまたがって共有およびデータセット特異的なセルラ構造を描写し、表現することを目的とした、異種の単一セルマルチオミックスデータセットを統合する部分グロモフ - WasperStein距離に基づくマニホールドアラインメント枠組みを提示します。
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We propose an image registration algorithm to trace changes in the retina structure across modalities using vessel segmentation and automatic landmark detection.
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Across Modalities sentence examples within Performance Across Modalities
A comparison of results also highlights the key differences in the data distributions and classification performance across modalities to better guide decision making for acquiring and analyzing IR imaging data for specific histopathological models.
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Adopting repeated measures and correlational designs, the obtained data revealed modality constraints: (1) above-chance performance was observed on the visual and tactile tasks but not on the auditory task, (2) there was no significant correlation of ISL performance across modalities, and (3) split-half reliability of visual and auditory tasks was reasonably high, yet for the tactile task it was close to zero.
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Across Modalities sentence examples within Approach Across Modalities
However, most approaches are limited to a single mode of data, leaving integrated approaches across modalities relatively underdeveloped.
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This approach will be useful for generalizing automated approaches across modalities, and institutions, when differences in hardware and software significantly alter image representations.
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Across Modalities sentence examples within Strategy Across Modalities
As the name suggests, CCR-Net enables a more compact fusion of different RS data sources by the means of the reconstruction strategy across modalities that can mutually exchange information in a more effective way.
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Comparing these strategies across modalities and model systems allows a broader understanding of the general principles shaping spatial processing.
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Across Modalities sentence examples within Correlated Across Modalities
Finally, sensory thresholds were correlated across modalities, as well as with headache attack frequency.
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