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3d Microvessel sentence examples within Organotypic 3d Microvessel

Indoor nanoscale particulate matter-induced coagulation abnormality based on a human 3D microvascular model on a microfluidic chip

Functional human 3D microvascular networks on a chip to study the cytocompatibility of ɑ-MnO2 nanowire

3d Microvessel sentence examples within 3d microvessel model

EGFL7 regulates sprouting angiogenesis and endothelial integrity in a human blood vessel model.

Indoor nanoscale particulate matter-induced coagulation abnormality based on a human 3D microvascular model on a microfluidic chip

Binding Heterogeneity of Plasmodium falciparum to Engineered 3D Brain Microvessels Is Mediated by EPCR and ICAM-1

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3d Microvessel 3Dマイクロベッセルの概要

3d Microvessel 3Dマイクロベッセル
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