Introduction to Womens Status
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One explanation is that the magnitude of loan amounts is frequently insufficient to change women’s status within the household.
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The centrality of equality to the conceptualisation of women’s status in society was clearly articulated in ABC promotional material, which stated that women had ‘proved themselves able to share equally with men the burden and the danger of front-line duty or of duty at the factory bench’ and they had ‘emancipated themselves in the teeth of man’s conservatism, if not hostility’.
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The Impact of Colonialism on Women’s Status in Senegal.
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The NGOs’ reluctance to seek fundamental changes to laws concerning women’s status reflects palpable anxiety amongst activists over the possibility of political backlash.
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1 Taking this claim as a starting point, this book shows how a cohort of women used broadcasting to contribute to the public sphere and improve women’s status in Australia from the introduction of radio in 1923 until the introduction of television in 1956.
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Besides, tea’s civilizing virtue helps to blur the conventional division between public masculinity and private femininity, albeit temporarily, and contributes to the promotion of women’s status in the household and society.
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As a policy recommendation, women’s status in society should be enhanced through investment in education and well-being.
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This chapter analyses data of the Women’s Status Survey 2010 to investigate the association between satisfaction with family status and housework participation in dual-earner married couples in China.
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We illustrate how such processes have started to influence patriarchal norms by improving women’s status both at home and in the community, eventually leading to a shift in traditional perceptions and constructions of gender relations.
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Given the significant contribution of women’s status and living contexts, aggressive moves should be made to reduce the demand-side barriers to health care services, mainly promoting women’s education and participation in decisionmaking at household and community levels.
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Significance Few studies have addressed links between family planning programs and long-term benefits for women’s health and economic outcomes, especially in societies where old-age support and women’s status are tied to childbearing and where smaller families may carry negative consequences for women.
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Su Qing uses feminine discourse and unique narrative strategies to show women’s status as “others” and their survival dilemmas in the patriarchal culture, reveal their physical and mental constraints and refute the misogynistic idea of female being parasites of their husbands.
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Guðbjörg Hallgrímsdóttir´s story provides an excellent opportunity to explore the diversity of women’s status in the society of past centuries by focussing primarily on the life of one woman and applying the methods of microhistory.
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Using panel data, this study tracks the impact of reproductive transitions on women’s status in the household in India.
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The findings aver that BISP has improved the household decision making of women, increased women independence at limited level and decreased domestic violence, however, minimal effect was observed on women’s status in society.
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As a policy recommendation, it is therefore, important to enhance women’s status, which, with time will lead to more investment in their children’s education, health, and overall welfare.
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This research examines regional differences in higher education participation rates in Sudan, and their relations with socioeconomic factors related to development, such as human development index (HDI), women’s status, urban/rural, and source of income.
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Quoting female sources more frequently in a caregiving role and quoting male sources more frequently in political and business roles enshrines women’s status as caregivers and men’s status as leaders and breadwinners.
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Purpose:In recent times, women’s status has been upgraded through an increase in socio-economic factors, which had implications in determining their bargaining power.
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Improving women’s status through educational and occupational initiatives could contribute to reducing physical violence and incidence of unintended pregnancies.
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Two such problems, indeed, the most serious of all, are: (i) bride price objectifies and commodifies women, and this lowers women’s status in society; and (ii) bride price violates a woman’s freedom to choose who to marry as all but young girls, that is, those under the age of 18, are forced into marriage by their families for bride-wealth.
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While existing indices of gender equality measure the role of women’s status and position, they inadequately contextualize the broader construct of patriarchy, a social system that underlies many gender inequitable practices.
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This study is intended to show how the impact of discourse of modernism has made remarkable changes in women’s status in patriarchal societies in the first decades if the twentieth century.
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