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Gender Struggle Within Complex Religious Realities: Druze Women in Israel as a Case Study

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What influences uptake and early adherence to Option B+ (lifelong antiretroviral therapy among HIV positive pregnant and breastfeeding women) in Central Uganda? A mixed methods study

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Social Status of Widows in Qing Dynasty

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Empathy and Low Participation of Women in Engineering: Is There a Hidden Link

Feminist Identity and Sexual Behavior: The Intimate is Political

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“A woman’s honor tumbles down on all of us in the family, but a man’s honor is only his”: young women’s experiences of patriarchal chastity norms

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Enactors or reactors? Work-life border management for women in law in Nigeria

A hundred years of debates on sex differences: Developing research for social change

Using a Mobile App–Based Video Recommender System of Patient Narratives to Prepare Women for Breast Cancer Surgery: Development and Usability Study Informed by Qualitative Data

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Sartorial Appearance Management Strategies of Creative Professional Women over Age 50 in the Fashion Industry

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Women and the Cult of Mazu: Goddess Worship and Women’s Agency in Late Ming and Qing China

Network explanations of the gender gap in migrants’ employment patterns: Use of online and offline networks in the Netherlands

Commitment, Dominance, and Mate Value: Power Bases in Long-Term Heterosexual Couples

Moral Ambivalence, Religious Doubt and Non-Belief among Ex-Hijabi Women in Turkey

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Self-Expression in the Cyber World: Challenges for a Woman

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Womens Personal