Introduction to Womens Lives
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Professor Denise Nicole Green, faculty advisor of the exhibition, explained in an interview that the overall aim was to showcase the concrete and specific material culture and garments of women’s lives to illustrate how fashion is a vehicle for political change and how “people who are marginalized use Promotional material for the exhibition featuring an archival photograph of Coretta Scott King speaking at a labor rally.
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Perhaps, ICT has changed visually impaired women’s lives by giving them access to mainstream and trying to be independent financially and socially.
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It aims to provide a holistic picture of how gender and technology are embedded in and influenced by a myriad of intersecting issues and challenges that complicate how ICT for development (ICT4D) initiatives concretely impact women’s lives.
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Background Numerous changes occur in different aspects of women’s lives in the postpartum period.
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Two years later, women in more than thirty countries participated in marches designed to draw attention to violence against women and economic austerities that disproportionately affect women’s lives.
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Women’s lives form an integral part of the cultural ethos of a nation.
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Despite being a preventable and treatable disease, cervical cancer remains one of the most serious threats to women’s lives globally, and is a marker of health disparity and limited health-care access.
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Background: Pregnancy and childbirth are sensitive and particular periods in women’s lives.
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The aim of this introduction is to provide a context for the articles that follow in this cluster on Women’s Lives on Screen.
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Endometrium-related malignancies including uterine endometrioid carcinoma, ovarian clear cell carcinoma and ovarian endometrioid carcinoma are major types of gynecologic cancer, claiming more than 13,000 women’s lives annually in the United States.
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The standard treatment is surgical in the form of hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy, which has a significant impact on the quality of women’s lives and precludes further fertility.
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Further, these women’s lives suggest that school curriculums need to be anti-racist and public policies that affirm each person regardless of the color of their skin.
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Twenty-three qualitative studies describing the psycho-social impact of FGM on women’s lives were selected after screening.
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ABSTRACT Trafficking of women is a serious global concern today that threatens many women’s lives and security and violates their rights and dignity.
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When considering the potential future availability of the ring to the public, key questions remain about the feasibility of integrating the ring as an HIV prevention intervention into women’s lives.
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The inquiry guiding this chapter asks: How may diffractive encounters through a stop moment in PT illuminate possibilities for dissensus? The stop moment is examined to reveal how the distribution of the sensible has impact on women’s lives in post-apartheid South Africa, through the eyes of two Drama for Life Playback Theatre members: Kathy as conductor and Cheraé who was one of the actors.
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Yet, she does not try to explain these behaviors within the larger structural constraints of the women’s lives.
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Childbirth and puerperium are of the most important periods in women’s lives and can affect different aspects of their lives.
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Menopause is a normal development in women’s lives.
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2% of approaches were designed to ‘reach’ women, and very few ‘benefited’, ‘empowered’, or ‘transformed’ women’s lives.
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Despite the current lack of biological technologies available to reduce HIV acquisition risk in young women, healthcare workers may have a substantive impact on young women’s lives at the individual level by helping them to break out of the cycles of vulnerability they face.
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The benefits of strong intimate relationships for women’s lives are so well-documented at this point in the literature that scholars, practitioners, and policymakers alike have all devoted considerable resources to promoting these relationships (Kiecolt-Glaser & Wilson, 2017; Newton et al.
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My research questions are: What does self-reliance look like from an Inuit woman’s point of view? How did participating in the 2015-2017 ECE Diploma Program influence the Inuit women’s lives?
Indigenous Storywork is grounded in Indigenous Research Framework (Lavallée 2009) which allows for connections between people, their ancestors, and the natural world.
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In it Montagu uses the epistolary form to make cross-cultural comparisons of the customs, fashions and routines of women’s lives in different locales, and to develop fresh ideas about women’s decorum for a new age.
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Abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB), specifically heavy menstrual bleeding, is a common condition that can significantly affect women’s lives.
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The special issue contains a collection of ten papers, each providing a unique perspective and understanding of trauma in women’s lives and its reflection in narrative inquiry.
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Yet again, there is more to an Incarnational/sacramental and ecclesial sense of a ‘new creation’ in the relationship of God’s mother/Eve’s advocate to the ‘Eve figure’ of women’s lives than is allowed to be significant here (cf.
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Given the importance of novel formations in science and speculative fiction, the aim of this paper is to analyse a selection of morphosemantic and semantic neologisms that occur in the feminist dystopia The Handmaid’s Tale (1985), namely those items more closely connected with women’s lives.
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Background: The perinatal period is a particularly vulnerable period in women’s lives that implies significant physiological and psychological changes that can place women at higher risk for depression and anxiety symptoms.
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Background Pregnancy and childbirth are significant events in women’s lives and most women have expectations or plans for how they hope their labour and birth will go.
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Qualitative, descriptive methods were used including individual interviews and focus groups to obtain maximum understanding of the women’s lives.
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I “read” the Altarpiece as testimony and storytelling against the shaming and silencing of women’s lives and experiences in South Africa, and argue that it calls us to become response-able to its witness.
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Drawing on the theory of intersectionality, coined by Kimberlé Crenshaw, I argue that Fanon does not recognize the different layers of oppression operating in Black women’s lives to the degree that he fails to include them within his framework of both liberation and resistance from racial oppression.
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Since the late 1960s, feminists in psychology have produced radically new understandings of sex and gender, have recovered women’s history in psychology, have developed new historiographical methods, have engaged with and developed innovative approaches to theory and research, and have rendered previously invisibilized issues and experiences central to women’s lives intelligible and worthy of scholarly inquiry.
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Introduction Limited research has focused on the trajectories of victimization to violence in women’s lives.
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It is recommended that the awareness and knowledge of health-care professionals regarding the side-effects of TL in the above-mentioned aspects of women’s lives should be increased and discussed with patients.
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The menopausal transition is a critical period in women’s lives.
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The focus of contemporary NGOs on achieving behavioural, attitudinal and procedural change is significant, and has the potential to make a real difference in women’s lives.
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Introduction: Gynecological diseases affect women’s lives in numerous manners.
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Simple Summary Gynecologic cancers are a major concern since they can significantly affect women’s lives.
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Especially in low- and middle-income countries, appropriate measures, planning, and policy that target the negative effects of depression on infertile women’s lives should be established to reduce related problems.
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The impact of divorce on women’s lives included social stigmatization, psychological pain, economic crisis, and remarriage issues.
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The peripartum period is the highest risk interval for the onset or exacerbation of psychiatric illness in women’s lives.
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However, generational differences in understanding how these dreams fit in women’s lives are often expressed in intergenerational tension around marriage.
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The third study focused on how the gendered experience of COVID-19 and the state’s response to control transmission impacted women’s lives, focusing on health services, livelihood, entitlements and social change, by interviewing individual women.
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The article contributes to the literature and debates on the ebbs and flows of caring and working across women’s lives.
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The objective of the study is to find out the trends of violence against women during COVID-19, underlying factors behind such acts, and the consequences of such violence on women’s lives.
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Dankwa captures these women’s lives in a multitude of spaces, public and private, and invites the reader to enter a world where the space for ‘new exciting things’ is created.
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The last part of the book focuses on the role of organisations and institutions in structuring immigrant women’s lives at destination.
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Conclusions Findings suggest that while PSs are commissioned to focus on those most in need, there is limited discussion, collection, or use of knowledge about women’s lives to develop needs-led service delivery.
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The use of two techniques strengthened the researchers' knowledge of women’s lives and facilitated reflection and critical thinking by the study participants, generating richer and more in-depth data on the study problem.
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The findings provide insights into Black women’s lives as consumers and communicate the importance of beauty product toxicity and healthy product development as topics of concern within the Black Lives Matter movement.
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This article takes as its starting point the mattering of Black women’s lives and builds upon connections between cultural representations of Black women and their social devaluation.
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I also draw on my own work to show how religion mediates out-migration, settlement, and community formation of South Asians in the diaspora and the contradictory impacts religion has on women’s lives.
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The book raises questions about using the neoliberal subject as a frame to analyse these women’s lives.
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Feminist theorists have long looked to motherhood and mothering behaviour as an important site at which to examine women’s lives, gender inequality and the social construction of gendered institutions.
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Keenaghan discusses her difficulties in explaining women’s literary influences which were “harder to detect” in an era of New Critical theory, where “external references” or the contexts of women’s lives were ruled out as “private” or “idiosyncratic,” unworthy of critical consideration (188–89).
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Andrew’s Society archives, and peer-reviewed literature, this article illuminates gender issues in androcentric Scottish-Canadian fraternal societies through careful examination of women’s lives within and on the periphery of Montreal’s fraternal orders.
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Despite this, there is a paucity of research investigating the impact on women’s lives.
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Objectives Losing an only child is a life-altering event that destroys Chinese women’s lives and health in several dimensions.
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In addition, further longitudinal research should be conducted to understand how different type of changes in women’s lives impact recidivism.
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Our findings highlight that the sociopolitical contexts of women’s lives are inseparable from their efforts to achieve mental well-being, and the value of deep narrative and historical work to capturing the complexity of women’s experiences within conflict settings.
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Endometriosis is a chronic condition characterized by symptoms of menstrual and non-menstrual pain, and dyspareunia, which have a substantial impact on women’s lives.
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Critically, our results suggest that in contexts where the electorate holds conservative preferences, policy responsiveness may incur costs to women’s lives.
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It was to examine women’s lives and the roles women played in three different yet related settings: the family, the economy, and social institutions.
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This youth convention prevented novelists from putting many aspects of women’s lives at the centre of their work; one such aspect was mothering a child past the age of infancy.
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We argue that the blanketing of these desirable states as “normal” has pervasive implications for women’s lives and leaves them feeling defective and/or inadequate, which was further reinforced by implicit, gender-based power dynamics in medical institutions when women sought care.
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Menopause is the most critical stage of women’s lives.
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Background Reproductive tract infections (RTIs) have become major but silent public health problems devastating women’s lives in Bangladesh.
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Background Endometrial cancer (EC) is one of the three malignant reproductive tumours that threaten women’s lives and health.
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These discussions reveal how women’s variable connections to the military, and the ways that military service directly and indirectly influences older women’s lives, are relatively neglected considerations in research on women’s aging.
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INTRODUCTION Contraception plays a pivotal role in most women’s lives, from teenage years to the menopause.
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The problem of vaginal aging and the related genitourinary syndrome of menopause significantly reduces the quality of women’s lives.
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3,4 Unplanned pregnancies strongly impact various aspects of women’s lives, even more so when they occur during adolescence.
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It is recommended that health-care professionals should increase their awareness and knowledge regarding the side-effects of using TL on women’s lives and share this information with the patients.
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Through an analysis of the competing claims of state officials and feminist actors, I demonstrate how femicidio became a contested legal and political category in Nicaragua, to the detriment of women’s lives.
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