Introduction to Womens Lived
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Based on our analysis of narratives of women’s lived experiences of breast cancer, we found that social support can be perceived negatively and associated with experiences of emotional strain.
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Future qualitative research on women’s lived experiences will provide a better understanding of women in larger bodies’ contraceptive needs and suggest how care can be improved.
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Understanding women’s lived experiences of perinatal anxiety and stress is essential to better support women.
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This chapter introduces the book and its contribution to examining gender inequality, more commonly referred to as the gender gap, by offering diverse perspectives and analysis of women’s lived experiences from a broad range of settings and contexts.
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She addresses methods for the reconstruction of women’s lived experiences from antique texts written overwhelmingly by and for men, when the nature of the ancient evidence is far from ideal for answering contemporary questions.
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This article aims to explore women’s lived experiences as mothers over three generations under such transformations, specifically how women’s childrearing practices are distinctively constructed and how each generation
of women makes their own mark on such constructions.
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However, less attention has been paid to women’s lived experiences with non-endometriosis related chronic pelvic pain (CPP).
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, educational processes understood broadly and occurring outside of formal educational settings) is equally important because it offers alternative interpretations of cultural productions and lived experiences that open up new spaces for the understanding of Black women’s lived experiences.
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We present the clinical characteristics and physical and mental health consequences associated with endometriosis, highlight several theoretical constructs of stigma, and review the limited studies documenting women’s lived experiences of endometriosis-related stigma.
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Black women’s lived realities often involve confronting both tacit and explicit demands that they censor and deny various aspects of their being, and internalize a set of dominant lies about themselves they’ve been led to believe are true.
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Embracing the manifesto for a ‘live’ sociology, I included portraiture into the research design of an ethnographic study into women’s lived experiences of French suburbia and organised an exhibition entitled Habitantes d’Hier and d’Aujourd’hui: exposition sociologique et photographique.
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Building on earlier Black feminist theory, this article captures Black women’s lived experiences navigating racism, classism, and sexism during the aforementioned political transition.
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This study aimed to describe women’s lived experiences of femininity after mastectomy and treatment.
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This qualitative study explored women’s lived experiences of their transition to motherhood and the role that spirituality plays in the process of transformation.
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