Introduction to Womens Choices
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Conclusions Utilization of postnatal care services remains low in this setting as a result of a number of disparate and complex factors that influence women’s choices.
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Background Menstrual hygiene products used by women have evolved in the past several decades with comfort, ease of use and cost driving women’s choices.
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The findings revealed multilevel themes influencing women’s choices of entrepreneurship as a career, including intrinsic, extrinsic and interpersonal factors.
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As a result, policy demands are seen as illegitimate when coming from midwives, who want to see women’s choices more respected in care.
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1007/ s4164902100169-z] examines diverse feminist responses to the growing involvement of technology with human reproduction, in particular the effects on women’s choices, on the identity of the maternal self, and on roles and responsibilities.
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In order to accelerate FP uptake, men and religious leaders should be targeted as key partners who influence women’s choices.
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Insights gained from the media analysis suggest that despite the significant stress and upheaval experienced by midwives and wāhine/women, relational continuity facilitates quality and consistent care that honors women’s choices and cultural needs even during situations of national crisis.
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12 Ultimately, women’s choices and rights to SRH services must be respected, regardless of the COVID-19 outbreak.
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This paper explores women’s choices and decision-making around MCM use and examines whether integrating FP services with childhood immunisations influenced women’s perceptions of, and decision to use, an MCM.
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These findings suggest that in this setting both process and structural dimensions of quality of care and financial and physical accessibility influence women’s choices for place of delivery.
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I discuss how relational dignity and state law interact to shape leftover women’s choices in marriage and childbearing.
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Although she argues that Kenya’s embrace of neoliberal policy and ideology constrains women’s choices, thereby pushing them to seek out sex work and shaping their strategies as sex workers, her interviewees certainly do not discuss neoliberalism and its consequences explicitly.
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