Introduction to Womens Cancers
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Background: Uterine cancer is one of the common women’s cancers worldwide.
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Despite the integration of the detection of precancerous uterine cervical neoplasms lesions into health facilities in Gabon, uterine cervical neoplasms ranks second among women’s cancers in terms of incidence and first in terms of mortality.
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We used the Patient Experience with Treatment and Self-Management (PETS) framework to study challenges in self-management and its impact on health among survivors of women’s cancers who are caring for other chronic health conditions.
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Results Combining local and regional hands-on training seminars with wise infrastructure investments, a team of US and Zambian oncology experts successfully implemented a clinical service platform for women’s cancers in a private sector health facility in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
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Smith Center for Women’s Cancers at Boston’s Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.
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By leveraging a matrix of global, regional and local stakeholders, the prevailing status quo of very limited access to chemotherapy for women’s cancers was creatively disrupted in DRC, Africa’s largest fragile, conflict and violence-affected country.
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Methods Data on the incidence and mortality of women’s cancers between January 2010 and December 2015 were obtained from the National Cancer Registry Annual Report.
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However, there are rare studies comprehensively describing the global and regional trends of incidence and mortality of women’s cancers.
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