Introduction to Womens Birth
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Methods In this hospital-based, prospective cohort study conducted at the National Center for Child Health and Development, we obtained information on pregnant women’s birth weight via their maternal and child health handbook.
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’ This list refers to themes found in the analysis of the literature, not to women’s birth priorities.
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Recognising the impact of institutional and medical discourses on childbirth, women’s birth evaluations demonstrate the benefits and challenges of gender-normative behaviour, where women’s internalised sense of gender was found to affect their experiences.
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Information on the women’s birth weight, birth length and head circumference at birth was used to estimate hazard ratios (HR) with 95% confidence intervals (CI) for each molecular subtype, applying Cox regression, and stratified by maternal height.
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’ This list refers to themes found in the analysis of the literature, not to women’s birth priorities.
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The drivers of the recent fertility decline during the study period were the shift observed in the age at first marriage, the change in the proportion of currently married women, the shift in women’s birth to later age and the change in women's educational status.
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Two main themes emerged from the thematic content analysis: increased awareness and safety were the primary reasons for giving birth at a healthcare facility, and traditions and norms affected women’s birth experiences in public maternity wards.
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We discuss the role of dominant ideologies surrounding marriage and inegalitarian naming conventions in different cultures as obstacles to women’s birth surname retention upon marriage.
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In this study, women’s birth experiences of Syrian refugees in Turkey aimed to describe in-depth.
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Under-five deaths in the five years prior to baseline were documented along with detailed information on household factors and women’s birth histories.
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