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Degradation of Plasticized Poly(1-chloroethylene) Waterproofing Membranes used as a Building Material

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Pre-applied bonded waterproofing membranes: A review of the history and state-of-the-art in Europe and North America

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Avaliação da transferência de fissuras em sistemas de impermeabilização aderidos

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Effect of Chemical Corrosion on Properties of SBS Modified Bitumen for Waterproofing Membranes

Performance of Waterproofing Membranes to Protect Concrete Bridge Decks

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VinylPlus® and the VinylPlus Product Label. Could the industry label be integrated into independent sustainability certification schemes?

Impermeable Asphalt Concrete Layer to Protect and Seal Concrete Bridge Decks

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Waterproofing Membranes