Versus Splenectomy in a Sentence
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Versus Splenectomy
Around 1–2% of these require distal pancreaticosplenectomy (DPS) and the decision to perform DPS versus splenectomy should be made early in the intraoperative period to prevent unnecessary hilar dissection and bleeding.
Around 1–2% of these require distal pancreaticosplenectomy (DPS) and the decision to perform DPS versus splenectomy should be made early in the intraoperative period to prevent unnecessary hilar dissection and bleeding.
Versus Splenectomy
To evaluate the efficacy and safety of partial splenic embolization (PSE) versus splenectomy (SP) for hypersplenism.
To evaluate the efficacy and safety of partial splenic embolization (PSE) versus splenectomy (SP) for hypersplenism.
Versus Splenectomy
Recently, the Japan Clinical Oncology Group conducted a phase 3 study (JCOG0110) that compared splenectomy with spleen-preserving surgery and confirmed the survival noninferiority of spleen-preserving surgery versus splenectomy for advanced proximal gastric cancers not invading the greater curvature.
Recently, the Japan Clinical Oncology Group conducted a phase 3 study (JCOG0110) that compared splenectomy with spleen-preserving surgery and confirmed the survival noninferiority of spleen-preserving surgery versus splenectomy for advanced proximal gastric cancers not invading the greater curvature.
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Versus Splenectomy