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Versus Pneumatic sentence examples within Laser Versus Pneumatic

Laser Versus Pneumatic Lithotripsy With Semi-Rigid Ureteroscope; A Comparative Randomized Study.

Treatment of Bladder Stones in Adults and Children: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis on Behalf of the European Association of Urology Urolithiasis Guideline Panel.

Peroral endoscopic myotomy (POEM) vs pneumatic dilation (PD) in treatment of achalasia: A meta-analysis of studies with ≥ 12-month follow-up

Laser Versus Pneumatic Lithotripsy With Semi-Rigid Ureteroscope; A Comparative Randomized Study.

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Treatment of Bladder Stones in Adults and Children: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis on Behalf of the European Association of Urology Urolithiasis Guideline Panel.

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Versus Pneumatic