Introduction to Versus Adaptation
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Chi-Square tests were performed to assess associations between BCW components mitigation versus adaptation.
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Despite extensive research into the standardization versus adaptation of marketing programs, processes, and strategies, findings regarding its impact on performance remain mixed and inconclusive.
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These questions consider how urbanization affects nonadaptive evolution, natural selection, and convergent evolution, in addition to the role of urban environmental heterogeneity on species evolution, and the roles of phenotypic plasticity versus adaptation on species’ abundance in cities.
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Theobald and colleagues also highlighted important trade-offs inherent to implementation research: rigour versus pragmatism; fidelity versus adaptation; embeddedness versus objectiveness; generalisability versus context specificity; and misalignment of incentives amongst stakeholders.
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We end by identifying underexplored substantive issues that deserve more attention, such as possibly refining EVIL DONE and to more fully address displacement versus adaptation processes.
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To begin to separate the relative roles of demography versus adaptation, we discussed results obtained from neutral-marker studies in Chap.
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