Introduction to Usable Past
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Yet the turn to a usable past has been unnecessarily limited in its device-centered focus, particularly in light of the growing interest in a much broader set of objects of analysis among professional historians.
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In this inaugural Usable Pasts Forum, we make the case that archaeology has a critical role to play in reframing approaches to food security in the African continent.
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His intertextual engagements with Edgar Allan Poe are especially valuable for modelling some of the ways recent fictions bypass postmodernist ahistoricism in favour of connections to a usable past, and, especially, a usable literary tradition.
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The article Usable Pasts Forum: Critically Engaging Food Security.
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Although Germany initially attempted to commemorate the Langemarck and Diximude battlefields, such efforts were ultimately contaminated by Nazism and the Second World War and lost their significance as a “usable past” (chapter 5).
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By shifting her focus from the celebration of the army leader Miles to the disempowered Priscilla who stubbornly claims her freedom in love, Spofford points to the private horrors of colonization in an exemplary feminist apologue filled with domestic sentiments which partakes of what Alide Cagidemetrio defines as a “usable past.
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