Urdaibai Biosphere in a Sentence
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Urdaibai Biosphere
We have tested the index along an anthropized but protected area in the Atlantic Iberian Peninsula (Urdaibai Biosphere Reserve –and Natura 2000 site, Basque Country) individually assessing 158 vegetation fragments included in ten quadrats of 25 ha each.
We have tested the index along an anthropized but protected area in the Atlantic Iberian Peninsula (Urdaibai Biosphere Reserve –and Natura 2000 site, Basque Country) individually assessing 158 vegetation fragments included in ten quadrats of 25 ha each.
Urdaibai Biosphere
Our study adds to this literature, by reporting the results of a discrete choice experiment used to analyse local population preferences and willingness-to-pay for selected ecosystem services resulting from different management scenarios in the Urdaibai Biosphere Reserve (Biscay, Spain).
Our study adds to this literature, by reporting the results of a discrete choice experiment used to analyse local population preferences and willingness-to-pay for selected ecosystem services resulting from different management scenarios in the Urdaibai Biosphere Reserve (Biscay, Spain).
Urdaibai Biosphere
In this study, we evaluated the land use changes in a time series and estimated the monetary value of the ecosystem services of the Urdaibai Biosphere Reserve (Biscay, Spain).
In this study, we evaluated the land use changes in a time series and estimated the monetary value of the ecosystem services of the Urdaibai Biosphere Reserve (Biscay, Spain).
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Urdaibai Biosphere