Introduction to Ultrasonic Arrays
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Ultrasonic arrays have been investigated for inspecting the quality of special materials.
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Ultrasonic arrays have been employed in NDE since the 1980’s.
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Using custom-designed cylindrical ultrasonic arrays, we demonstrate that complex patterns of light can be sculpted in the medium, including dipole and quadrupole shapes.
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The design of an anti-recording system composed of multiple ultrasonic arrays remains to be addressed.
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Using ultrasonic arrays to detect and evaluate Surface Breaking Cracks (SBCs) is important in the Non-destructive Evaluation (NDE) field.
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Medical ultrasonic arrays are typically characterized in controlled water baths using measurements by a hydrophone, which can be translated with a positioning stage.
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However, recent advancements in ultrasonic arrays can be a powerful tool in the evaluation of ophthalmic pathology.
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