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Treatment Seeking sentence examples within alcohol use disorder

Understanding low treatment seeking rates for alcohol use disorder: A narrative review of the literature and opportunities for improvement.

Protecting persons at-risk of viral hepatitis and alcohol-related liver disease during the pandemic and beyond: mitigating the impact of coronavirus disease 2019 on liver health

Treatment Seeking sentence examples within weekly self monitoring

Cost effectiveness of text messages to reduce methamphetamine use and HIV sexual risk behaviors among men who have sex with men.

Treatment Seeking sentence examples within Determine Treatment Seeking

Treatment-seeking behaviour among people with opioid use disorder in the high-income countries: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Expenditure pattern of hypertension among elderly of Davangere city: Is it really catastrophic among them?

Treatment Seeking sentence examples within Facilitate Treatment Seeking

Community Versus Hospital Opioid-Related Overdose Deaths in Illinois.

A Randomized Trial of Brief Online Interventions to Facilitate Treatment Seeking for Social Anxiety.

Treatment Seeking sentence examples within Promote Treatment Seeking

Interoceptive Functioning in Schizophrenia and Schizotypy

Here for My Peer: The Future of First Responder Mental Health

Treatment Seeking sentence examples within Early Treatment Seeking

Does app-based unguided self-management improve mental health literacy, patient empowerment and access to care for people with mental health impairments? Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial

The symptom experience of early and late treatment seekers before an atrial fibrillation diagnosis.

Treatment Seeking sentence examples within Patient Treatment Seeking

The Moderating Effect of Treatment Engagement on Fear-avoidance Beliefs in People with Chronic Low Back Pain.

The impact of health worker absenteeism on patient health care seeking behavior, testing and treatment: A longitudinal analysis in Uganda

Treatment Seeking sentence examples within treatment seeking behavior

Reproductive Morbidities and Treatment Seeking Behaviour among Rural Women in Manipur-Community Based Study

Interoceptive Functioning in Schizophrenia and Schizotypy

Treatment Seeking sentence examples within treatment seeking behavimy

A cross sectional study to estimate the psychological stress level in medical students during Covid-19 pandemic

Prevalence of Allergic Conjunctivitis and Associated Comorbidities among School Going Children in Western Odisha - A Cross-Sectional Observational Study

Treatment Seeking sentence examples within treatment seeking sample

Mediational Role of Drinking to Cope in the Associations of Depression and Suicidal Ideation with Solitary Drinking in Adults Seeking Alcohol Treatment

Intelligence quotient decline following frequent or dependent cannabis use in youth: a systematic review and meta-analysis of longitudinal studies

Treatment Seeking sentence examples within treatment seeking youth

Associations between weight-based teasing and disordered eating behaviors among youth.

Psychometric properties of the Child Eating Behavior Questionnaire (CEBQ) in school age children with overweight and obesity: A proposed three‐factor structure

Treatment Seeking sentence examples within treatment seeking delay

Treatment seeking delay and associated factors among tuberculosis patients attending health facility in Ethiopia from 2000 to 2020: A systematic review and meta analysis

Erratum regarding missing Declaration of Competing Interest statements in previously published articles

Treatment Seeking sentence examples within treatment seeking adult

Clinical Efficacy and Cost-Effectiveness of Imagery Rescripting Only Compared to Imagery Rescripting and Schema Therapy in Adult Patients With PTSD and Comorbid Cluster C Personality Disorder: Study Design of a Randomized Controlled Trial

Effects of acute exercise on craving, mood and anxiety in non-treatment seeking adults with alcohol use disorder: An exploratory study.

Treatment Seeking sentence examples within treatment seeking patient

Smart-Glass Guided Exposure for Anxiety Disorders: A Proof-of-Concept Study

Cytochrome P450 2C19 Poor Metabolizer Phenotype in Treatment Resistant Depression: Treatment and Diagnostic Implications

Treatment Seeking sentence examples within treatment seeking rate

Understanding low treatment seeking rates for alcohol use disorder: A narrative review of the literature and opportunities for improvement.

Discrepancies between self‐reported tick bites and evidence of tick‐borne disease exposure among nomadic Mongolian herders

Treatment Seeking sentence examples within treatment seeking young

Informing the study of suicidal thoughts and behaviors in distressed young adults: The use of a machine learning approach to identify neuroimaging, psychiatric, behavioral, and demographic correlates

Profiles of Emotion Regulation in Young People Accessing Youth Mental Health and Drug Treatment

Treatment Seeking sentence examples within treatment seeking pathway

Deep Vulnerabilities and Coping After Conflict: Ill-Health, Treatment Seeking Behaviour and Informal Medical Practices in the Borderland

Pre-referral rectal artesunate and referral completion among children with suspected severe malaria in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Nigeria and Uganda

Treatment Seeking sentence examples within treatment seeking population


The Association Between Problem Gambling and Suicidal Ideations and Attempts: A Case Control Study in the General Swedish Population

Treatment Seeking sentence examples within treatment seeking individual

The FDA-approved drug apremilast suppresses alcohol intake: clinical and pre-clinical validation

Alcohol-related changes in behaviors and characteristics from the baseline to the randomization session for treatment and non-treatment seeking participants with alcohol use disorder.

Treatment Seeking sentence examples within treatment seeking heavy

Neural Correlates of Alcohol Use Disorder Severity among Non-Treatment Seeking Heavy Drinkers: An Examination of the Incentive Salience and Negative Emotionality Domains of the Alcohol and Addiction Research Domain Criteria.

Preliminary study of alcohol problem severity and response to brief intervention

Treatment Seeking sentence examples within treatment seeking among

A Randomized Trial of Brief Online Interventions to Facilitate Treatment Seeking for Social Anxiety.

Risk and protective factors associated with mental health among female military veterans: results from the veterans’ health study

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Deep Vulnerabilities and Coping After Conflict: Ill-Health, Treatment Seeking Behaviour and Informal Medical Practices in the Borderland

More Treatment Seeking sentence examples

Clinical Efficacy and Cost-Effectiveness of Imagery Rescripting Only Compared to Imagery Rescripting and Schema Therapy in Adult Patients With PTSD and Comorbid Cluster C Personality Disorder: Study Design of a Randomized Controlled Trial

More Treatment Seeking sentence examples

Nocturia at the Population Level in Poland: Prevalence, Bother, Quality of Life, and Treatment-Related Behavior

Cannabis Use as a Predictor and Outcome of Positive and Negative Affect in College Students: an Ecological Momentary Assessment Study

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A cross sectional study to estimate the psychological stress level in medical students during Covid-19 pandemic

Prevalence of Allergic Conjunctivitis and Associated Comorbidities among School Going Children in Western Odisha - A Cross-Sectional Observational Study

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Associations between weight-based teasing and disordered eating behaviors among youth.

More Treatment Seeking sentence examples

Assessment of Perceived Executive Functioning: Implications for Clinical Practice

More Treatment Seeking sentence examples

The FDA-approved drug apremilast suppresses alcohol intake: clinical and pre-clinical validation

More Treatment Seeking sentence examples

Safety and Preliminary Efficacy of Lorcaserin for Cocaine Use Disorder: A Phase I Randomized Clinical Trial

More Treatment Seeking sentence examples

Mediational Role of Drinking to Cope in the Associations of Depression and Suicidal Ideation with Solitary Drinking in Adults Seeking Alcohol Treatment

More Treatment Seeking sentence examples

Intelligence quotient decline following frequent or dependent cannabis use in youth: a systematic review and meta-analysis of longitudinal studies

More Treatment Seeking sentence examples

Back pain and treatment seeking among community-dwelling older adults: Findings from a population-based survey.

More Treatment Seeking sentence examples

Reproductive Morbidities and Treatment Seeking Behaviour among Rural Women in Manipur-Community Based Study

More Treatment Seeking sentence examples

Colour coded client segmentation (CCCS) public health approach to educate the community to deal with problem of hypertension: A pilot study

More Treatment Seeking sentence examples

Smart-Glass Guided Exposure for Anxiety Disorders: A Proof-of-Concept Study

Reducing depression-related stigma and increasing treatment seeking among adolescents: randomized controlled trial of a brief video intervention.

More Treatment Seeking sentence examples

Body weight perception, knowledge, practices and associated factors regarding weight reduction: A cross sectional study of treatment seeking obese young adults in Sri Lanka

More Treatment Seeking sentence examples

How stress, discrimination, acculturation and the gut microbiome affect depression, anxiety and sleep among Chinese and Korean immigrants in the USA: a cross-sectional pilot study protocol

Adapting an intervention to promote treatment seeking among deaf individuals with alcohol use and behavioral health disorders

More Treatment Seeking sentence examples

A cross-sectional study on health-seeking behavior in relation to reproductive tract infection among ever-married rural women in Kancheepuram district, Tamil Nadu

Neural Correlates of Alcohol Use Disorder Severity among Non-Treatment Seeking Heavy Drinkers: An Examination of the Incentive Salience and Negative Emotionality Domains of the Alcohol and Addiction Research Domain Criteria.

Mental health literacy in veterans: What do U.S. military veterans know about PTSD and its treatment?

More Treatment Seeking sentence examples

Neural correlates of treatment effect and prediction of treatment outcome in patients with PTSD and comorbid personality disorder: study design

More Treatment Seeking sentence examples

ICD-11 posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and complex PTSD (CPTSD) in treatment seeking veterans: risk factors and comorbidity

More Treatment Seeking sentence examples

Saracatinib Fails to Reduce Alcohol-Seeking and Consumption in Mice and Human Participants

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Assessing Changes in Symptoms of Depression and Anxiety During Four Weeks of Cannabis Abstinence Among Adolescents

More Treatment Seeking sentence examples

Effects of acute exercise on craving, mood and anxiety in non-treatment seeking adults with alcohol use disorder: An exploratory study.

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Impact of a mass media campaign on presentations and ambulance use for acute coronary syndrome

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We-PAP, A novel, couples’ - based sleep health intervention for older adults with obstructive sleep apnea: Rationale and study protocol for a web-based randomized clinical pilot/feasibility trial of the We-PAP intervention compared to an educational control

More Treatment Seeking sentence examples

Eating disorder behaviors and treatment seeking in self-identified military personnel and veterans: Results of the National Eating Disorders Association online screening.

Epidemiological Factors and Clinical Course of COVID-19 in Patients Who Died Following the Disease in Dedicated COVID Hospital, Rewa District, Madhya Pradesh - A Retrospective Study

Relationship between Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms and Treatment-Related Behavior in an Eastern European Country: Findings from the LUTS POLAND Study

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435 Single Session CBT to Improve PAP Initiation and Adherence among Veterans with OSA

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The efficacy of incorporating mental imagery in cognitive restructuring techniques on reducing hostility: A randomized controlled trial.

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Changes in Mental Health and Treatment, 1997–2017

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High-dose baclofen attenuates insula activation during anticipatory anxiety in treatment-seeking alcohol dependant individuals: Preliminary findings from a pharmaco-fMRI study

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A bias towards natural rewards away from gambling cues in gamblers undergoing active treatment

Pattern of substance use in the elderly: A hospital based, cross sectional study in a tertiary setting of North India

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Protocol for an interdisciplinary cross-sectional study investigating the social, biological and community-level drivers of antimicrobial resistance (AMR): Holistic Approach to Unravel Antibacterial Resistance in East Africa (HATUA)

More Treatment Seeking sentence examples

Knowledge, attitude, and utilization of drugs toward COVID-19 pandemic among Bale Zone residents, Southeast Ethiopia

More Treatment Seeking sentence examples

Pre-referral rectal artesunate and referral completion among children with suspected severe malaria in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Nigeria and Uganda

More Treatment Seeking sentence examples

Exploring regulation and function of dopamine D3 receptors in alcohol use disorder. A PET [11C]-(+)-PHNO study

Persistent attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder predicts socially oriented, but not physical/physiologically oriented, alcohol problems in early adulthood.

A retrospective study of young people seeking treatment for injection drug usage at a tertiary care center of North India

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Experiences of internet-based cognitive behavioural therapy for depression and anxiety among Arabic-speaking individuals in Sweden: a qualitative study

More Treatment Seeking sentence examples

Predictors of Health Seeking Behaviours for Common Childhood Illnesses in Poor Resource Settings in Zambia, A Community Cross Sectional Study

More Treatment Seeking sentence examples

The Association Between Problem Gambling and Suicidal Ideations and Attempts: A Case Control Study in the General Swedish Population

More Treatment Seeking sentence examples

Erratum regarding missing Declaration of Competing Interest statements in previously published articles

More Treatment Seeking sentence examples

Implication of Adult Out-Migration on the Health and Healthcare Seeking of the Older Parents in Indian Households: an Exploration

A randomized trial of nicotine vs. no-nicotine e-cigarettes among African American smokers: Changes in smoking and tobacco biomarkers.

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Treatment seeking behavior and level of treatment among brick kiln workers: A Study in Azamgarh District, Uttar Pradesh

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A Mixed-Method Study on Recurrent Unintentional Injuries in Children and Adolescents in a Rural Area of Delhi

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The temporal stability of the Kessler Psychological Distress Scale

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Preschool-onset OCD: A review of literature and clinical experience.

Effects of overactive bladder on treatment-related behaviour and quality of life in an Eastern European country: findings from the LUTS POLAND Study

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A Preliminary Test of the Efficacy of Brief Self-Administered Behavioral Interventions for Rumination.

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Pathway to care in co-occurring disorder and substance use disorder: an exploratory, cross-sectional study from India

Treatment Seeking