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Labour Rights from Labour Wrongs? Transnational Compensation and the Spatial Politics of Labour Rights after Bangladesh’s Rana Plaza Garment Factory Collapse

Two degrees and the SDGs: a network analysis of the interlinkages between transnational climate actions and the Sustainable Development Goals

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La présence turque en Côte d’Ivoire contemporaine: entreprise transnationale au service de l’éducation, l’humanitaire et l’islam en Afrique de l’ouest

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals: The Ethic and Ethos of Holistic Nursing

Building Kidney Exchange Programmes in Europe—An Overview of Exchange Practice and Activities

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Проблема «физического вреда» в теории международных отношений

Introduction: Resistance, disobedience or constituent power? Emerging narratives of transnational protest

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Transnational Initiative