Introduction to Thinking Beyond
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Results Agroecology requires thinking beyond the field scale to consider the positioning, quality and connectivity of fields and semi-natural habitats at larger spatial scales.
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Encouraging portal use without compromising perceptions of quality requires thinking beyond patient-focused education.
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Thinking Beyond sentence examples within Policy Thinking Beyond
His ability to apply policy thinking beyond academia underscores why he was – and will remain – a giant of media and cultural studies in Australia and beyond.
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This chapter proposes small steps towards social democratic policy thinking beyond the national—focusing on the confluence of interest in tackling inequality between Bretton Woods institutions and European social democracy.
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These results reveal the importance of thinking beyond the traditional candidacy pool and how sociopolitical factors matter for key determinants of seeking political office (being asked and having considered running).
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Because of these important interventions from Schlosser and Youatt, we are now perhaps more conscious of our “dualist axes,” yet we still remain far from truly imagining their eradication or thinking beyond their division.
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To achieve the objectives of the study, a questionnaire was prepared consisting of (40) phrases divided into (8) dimensions, and the results showed a high degree of agreement on the role of the lesson research in developing the following habits of mind (perseverance, listening with understanding and compassion, thinking flexibly, applying past knowledge to situations New, responding with amazement and questioning, perception, innovation and innovation, thinking beyond knowledge, mental independence) from the point of view of secondary school teachers, and the results showed that there were no statistically significant differences between Responses of secondary school teachers in habits of the mind, which are attributed to variables (academic qualification - years of service - number of training courses).
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Chinese perspectives nevertheless evidence that this conventional line of thinking, hampering scholars from thinking beyond the sealed ad bellum/in bello separation, is not sound.
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This perspective allows thinking beyond theorizations of global democracy, in favor of a democratic model that shows openness for social complexity and uncertainty and which accepts that the spaces of democratic action are not given from the outset but that they are brought into being by the emerging publics themselves.
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The chapter consists of seven sections: 1) Challenges in Defining Variables for Measuring Health Disparities, 2) Other Data Considerations, 3) Thinking Beyond the Traditionally Measured Sociodemographic Variables, 4) Causal Pathways Between Social Determinants and Health Outcomes, 5) Research Designs, 6) Research Frameworks, and 7) Theories of Contextual Factors.
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It is argued that musical knowledge may be generated in useful ways by thinking beyond music as representation.
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Annie Murphy Paul's new book, "The Extended Mind: The Power of Thinking Outside the Brain," covers emerging research that extends our understanding of thinking beyond the typical view of "mind in the brain.
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Results Agroecology requires thinking beyond the field scale to consider the positioning, quality and connectivity of fields and semi-natural habitats at larger spatial scales.
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The paper suggests that the draw of user-device interactions is connected to the rhythms of unconscious sexuality and that this opens up a space for thinking beyond subject-object dichotomies and ultimately offers hope for a shift in the cultural imaginary.
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Furthermore, thinking beyond the photographic frame and of photography as an event over time and space can direct attention towards the power relations that dictate the photographed event, as well as the moments of encounter with the photographs.
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For TWAIL, counterfactuals have value if they facilitate thinking beyond the rigidity of the status quo.
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Hence thinking beyond chalazion is necessary in old age, recurrent chalazion, unilateral blepharitis, keratoconjunctivitis should arise suspicion to decease the morbidity and mortality associated with the tumor.
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The intention is to share catalytic, synergistic, and interdisciplinary field lessons from the author’s firsthand experiences for the benefit of renaissance communities, researchers, and practitioners seeking new beginnings and stimulation of new thinking beyond their sightlines.
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The author assumes that the topic should be studied from the perspective of sociology and cultural anthropology as well since linguistic similarities and differences often reflect similarities and differences in thinking beyond the realm of linguistics.
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She shows how thinking beyond the Anthropocene, thinking from a planetary perspective, is now required.
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This article returns to Simone de Beauvoir’s philosophical oeuvre in order to offer a way of thinking beyond contemporary feminist divisions created by ‘gender critical’ or trans-exclusionary feminists.
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This is due to the fact that Perspective Coaching was developed as a ‘brainexpanding’ professional development experience in diverse settings (educational, business, social) and involves thinking beyond ‘tribal’ lines, with added implications for neuroeducation and neuropolitics.
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Encouraging portal use without compromising perceptions of quality requires thinking beyond patient-focused education.
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However, pandemic prevention requires thinking beyond zoonotic capacity, virulence, and transmissibility to consider collective ‘burden’ on human health.
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These EOF indicators extend the thinking beyond single stock overfishing to an entire ecosystem and are largely based on well-established trophic theory.
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These reflections can serve as a touchstone for thinking beyond disciplinary norms and conventions, especially in Chinese studies and the history of science.
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Wider implications for thinking beyond solely young people as suffering from online addiction are considered.
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This structure, I argue, extends teacher thinking beyond the deliberative, reflective mode.
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By thinking beyond the traditional limits of linguistic study, the editors have made it a richer field of inquiry and, perhaps unconsciously, illustrated the truth of their starting premise: that any real change will require a renewal of language.
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This article aims to raise awareness of the importance of multidisciplinary cooperation and thinking beyond the daily routine of our specialty to ensure the quality care of our patients.
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Highlighting several integrative smart systems from the past to the future, this talk is designed to provoke a conversation within the community with the hopes to inspire the advocacy of our integrative thinking beyond our field to empower solutions to the most pressing problems of today.
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While conventional understandings of world literature tend to reconfirm existing power structures and hierarchies, translation opens up the possibility of thinking beyond the national/global binary by interrogating the lines along which such binaries are conceptualized.
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The increasing complexity of the cyber-physical products used nowadays along with the ever-expanding firmware and electronics and the connectivity aspects of the industrial environment, require thinking beyond the traditional engineering structures and related design stages.
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In ‘Thinking Beyond the Lockdown’, Panagiotis Sotiris argues that lockdowns are repressive and should be opposed.
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Resilience of a social-ecological system is about thinking beyond incremental change and return to normalcy following a disaster.
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His ability to apply policy thinking beyond academia underscores why he was – and will remain – a giant of media and cultural studies in Australia and beyond.
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They further suggest that reliance on serum hormones as prescriptive of specific neurodevelopmental outcomes may be too simplistic and to understand thyroid-mediated neurotoxicity we must expand our thinking beyond that which follows thyroid hormone synthesis inhibition.
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to inspire thinking beyond statistical models and techniques as mere tools to analyze data, but instead utilizing them to make inference about the underlying physics of the generative process.
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Now, it is possible to start thinking beyond institutional improvement to more systemic, market-wide analysis.
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People adaptation with the prevalent notions and thinking beyond the boundary of common sense is required to explain multidimensional picture of any attribute.
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The most effective teaching practices and learning environments challenge learners’ thinking beyond what they could achieve independently.
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However, the absence of clinical signs (seen in kernicterus) such as upgaze palsy, rhythmic tongue thrusting, and brain MRI findings can aid in thinking beyond kernicterus [3, 4].
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001) and thinking beyond (p=0.
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A focus on responsiveness moves thinking beyond the responsibilities of the individual clinician in the single encounter, and allows us to identify elements of the wider system that may constrain how well the clinician is able to respond.
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Philosophers like Jacques Derrida and cultural critics like Brian Massumi are recruited to take humanist thinking beyond itself.
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The play do not show the characters in an open wage against the societal structure and male domination but the female characters are shown to be thinking beyond the bounds set by the dominant ideology.
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Thinking beyond these narrowly defined conceptions of wellness and productivity offers an important avenue for future mental health geographies.
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They propose, after Bourdieu, that we think of history as a ‘martial art’, a political instrument that can inform, illuminate and encourage different types of thinking beyond the limited realm of academic research.
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Marion’s recent claim (perhaps even ‘principle’): “auto-affection alone makes possible hetero-affection,” will be examined through piecemeal influences made upon its development through Marion’s return to religious thinking beyond the delimited jurisdiction of philosophy.
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And what is it about poetry that can open up worlds, open us to sensation, and carry us beyond the literal words into the experience of well-being? Gendlin’s ideas concerning “thinking beyond patterns” and “carrying forward” may illuminate how poetry holds open what other language cuts off for us.
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Perioperative point of care ultrasound in ambulatory anesthesia: thinking beyond nerve blocks.
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If the image of the future has already been colonized by the inevitability of a planetary automation or by the Singularity, is it at all possible to re-introduce alienness in machine thinking beyond a master pattern that knows it all? As contemporary forms of artificial intelligence such as neural nets experiment with predictive learning generating counter-factual models for what has not yet been thought, they have also become productive of machine percepts and concepts.
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In this exploration, we found possibilities in thinking beyond the otherwise paralysing narratives of anthropogenic climate change.
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Further, by showcasing Caesar’s linguistic ability and his self-actualization, and through its utilization of motion capture technology as opposed to live apes, the film critiques the artificial limitations imposed by the animacy hierarchy and explores the possibilities of thinking beyond the human.
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Fulfillment of corporate social responsibility and thinking beyond the regulatory aspects of corporate sustainable management are goals that have continually attracted attention worldwide.
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A shift to focus on populations incentivizes thinking beyond clinical treatments and attending to the needs of diverse populations that are at-risk but do not engage in traditional services.
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Both try to explore new ways of thinking beyond the limits of established methodological guidelines.
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Akiikaa (‘it is the land’ in Algonkian) is designed to assist graduate students in thinking beyond the classroom and understanding the elements of life as known by Indigenous people to live a healthy life.
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These strategies and policies illustrate the need for governance informed by interdisciplinary thinking beyond the narrow perspective of neoliberal economics – thinking which considers equitable distribution, legitimacy, the importance of livelihoods, the health of local ecosystems, and many socio-economic, cultural, and ecological issues.
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They exhibited creative strength of, for example, flexible imagination, thinking with senses, and thinking beyond boundaries.
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Drawing on interviews with both students and staff, we identify and elaborate four aspects of the program—building a pedagogical platform, ‘seeing’ and meeting students, creating a supportive environment, and thinking beyond the institution—that were collectively represented to initiate and guide a process of growth and change for students.
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Saffron’s advanced concepts extended application thinking beyond the specific-purpose deep learning and supervised learning that dominate the field today.
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Gesture is foregrounded for its relationality: as a movement towards an elsewhere and an otherwise, gesture functions politically through its commitment to thinking beyond the present, towards a different future.
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“Year Zero” here was not the liberation of Europe in 1945 but the Bandung Conference in 1955, where leaders from Asia, Africa, and black America met in Indonesia to consider the possibilities of thinking beyond white European conceptions of modernity, in recognition that the contemporary era has been shaped not only by the Iron Curtain but also by the “Color Curtain,” as American writer Richard Wright stated at Bandung.
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Also, a manufacturing design-based projects for a real engineering product or part, with a challenging set of questions, is assigned to each student to improve students' scientific/engineering knowledge and critical thinking beyond the classroom experience (constructive learning).
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We question whether WWTPs are mainly guided by their core mission of wastewater treatment or have an environmental thinking beyond this core activity and, thus, pursue a holistic environmental sustainability management approach.
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Emphasizing neoliberal forms of entrepreneurial risk management, the panic-as-regulation perspective provides ways of thinking beyond some of the limitations associated with conventional perspectives.
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This chapter proposes small steps towards social democratic policy thinking beyond the national—focusing on the confluence of interest in tackling inequality between Bretton Woods institutions and European social democracy.
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Bergson: Thinking Beyond the Human Condition.
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Keeping this in way, a panel reviewed the discussion around “one health” strategy of the WHO in combating zoonotic diseases during Seventh annual conference of Consortium Against Rabies (CAR) with the theme of “Zoonoses: Thinking beyond Rabies” held on 14th and 15th June 2019.
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SHAFE is producing a Joint Statement 2018 that summarizes a common position on Smart Healthy Age-friendly Environments – focused on eHealth and mHealth – with priorities for policy making and recommendations for the European Commission and the Member States also thinking beyond 2020.
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Thinking beyond autonomy, the research and development paradigm of human autonomy teaming, here cooperativity and cooperatively interacting vehicles makes good use of autonomous capabilities and functions and puts these into the service of a cooperative system of systems.
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Furthermore, thinking beyond the knee musculature and correcting core and hip dysfunction is also important to ensure an optimal knee extension strengthening program.
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Producing environmental futures benefits those involved by supporting a systems-level understanding and expanding thinking beyond “business as usual”.
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We argue that CoDE is uniquely placed to undertake this interdisciplinary work and discuss the extent to which the project pushed thinking beyond that of our disciplinary homes to provide innovative insights into the significance of place for understanding ethnic inequalities and identities.
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