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Thermally Thin sentence examples within thermally thin material

Fire Behavior of Thermally Thin Materials in Cone Calorimeter

Estimating Thermal Material Properties Using Solar Loading Lock-in Thermography

Thermally Thin sentence examples within thermally thin body

Development of the Method for Forecasting and Calculating the Operation of Sorption Systems for Purifying the Generator Gas Based on Dolomite Use. Part I

Испарение жидкого метана с металлической поверхности

Fire Behavior of Thermally Thin Materials in Cone Calorimeter

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Quantitative infrared image analysis of simultaneous upstream and downstream microgravity flame spread over thermally thin cellulose fuel in low speed forced flow

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Экспериментальное и расчетное исследования пиролиза биомассы в цилиндрическом реакторе

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Modelling the Effects of Boundary Walls on the Fire Dynamics of Informal Settlement Dwellings

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Buoyant-flow downward flame spread over carbon fiber reinforced plastic in variable oxygen atmospheres

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Development of the Method for Forecasting and Calculating the Operation of Sorption Systems for Purifying the Generator Gas Based on Dolomite Use. Part I

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Experimental study of flame spread over thermally-thin inclined fuel surface and controlling heat transfer mechanism under concurrent wind

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Effect of oxygen concentration and external radiation on the thermal decomposition and combustion characteristics of electric wire

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К теории генерации нелинейного фотоакустического сигнала при газомикрофонной регистрации

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A novel method for spatially-resolved thermal conductivity measurement by super-resolution photo-activated infrared imaging

Estimating Thermal Material Properties Using Solar Loading Lock-in Thermography

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Upward Fire Spread Rate Over Real-Scale EPS ETICS Façades

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Experimental study of concurrent-flow flame spread over thin solids in confined space in microgravity

Comparison of Fire Behaviors of Thermally Thin and Thick Rubber Latex Foam under Bottom Ventilation

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Direct Measurement of the In-Plane Thermal Diffusivity of Semitransparent Thin Films by Lock-In Thermography: An Extension of the Slopes Method

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Piloted ignition delay times on optically thin PMMA cylinders

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Испарение жидкого метана с металлической поверхности

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Spontaneous Ignition of Thermally Thin and Intermediate PMMA Exposed to Linearly Increasing Thermal Radiation

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Piloted Ignition of Cylindrical Wildland Fuels Under Irradiation

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Simulation of Biomass Pyrolysis in a Fluidized Bed Reactor Using Thermally Thick Treatment

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Characterization of ignition and combustion characteristics of phenolic fiber-reinforced plastic with different thicknesses

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An experimental and numerical study of thermal and chemical structure of downward flame spread over PMMA surface in still air

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Thermally Thin