Introduction to Temporally Predictable
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Temporally Predictable sentence examples within temporally predictable event
While temporal expectations (TE) generally improve reactions to temporally predictable events, it remains unknown how the learning of temporal regularities (one time point more likely than another time point) and explicit knowledge about temporal regularities contribute to performance improvements; and whether any contributions generalise across modalities.
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Electro-encephalography (EEG) signals were recorded in PD and control groups during speech vowel production and button press tasks in response to temporally predictable and unpredictable visual stimuli.
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However, sensory attenuation has also been observed outside the context of voluntary action, namely when stimuli are temporally predictable.
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Urbanization enhances waste production, leading to the opening of landfills that constitute a spatially and temporally predictable food source for opportunistic species.
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However, studies investigating temporally predictable or unpredictable threat anticipation and confrontation processes are rare.
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While temporal expectations (TE) generally improve reactions to temporally predictable events, it remains unknown how the learning of temporal regularities (one time point more likely than another time point) and explicit knowledge about temporal regularities contribute to performance improvements; and whether any contributions generalise across modalities.
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The sampling, associative and chronological foragers were far more efficient than the forager without temporal cognition in temporally predictable environments, and interestingly, their efficiencies increased with the level of temporal heterogeneity.
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Eye movements are inhibited prior to the occurrence of temporally predictable events.
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21 patients with spider phobia and 21 healthy controls underwent a temporally predictable/unpredictable phobic and neutral anticipation and confrontation paradigm using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and ROI analyses.
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While temporal expectations (TE) generally improve reactions to temporally predictable events, it remains unknown how temporal rule learning and explicit knowledge about temporal rules contribute to performance improvements and whether any contributions generalise across modalities.
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The aim of this study was to investigate offshore bird abundance in the breeding season and model the effect of temporally predictable environmental variables.
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Urban habitats offer spatially and temporally predictable anthropogenic food sources for opportunistic species, such as several species of gulls that are known to exploit urban areas and take advantage of accessible and diverse food sources, reducing foraging time and energy expenditure.
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We used a combination of behavioral and event-related potential (ERP) measures to characterize motor timing deficits in patients with PD compared with a neurologically intact matched control group during randomized speech vowel vocalization and button press motor reaction time tasks in response to temporally predictable and unpredictable sensory stimuli.
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As earlier studies on temporally predictable task switching have used predictive intervals stemming from both ranges, it was not yet clear if the time-based expectancy effect was driven by just one of the two internal timing systems.
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Sound presentations were temporally predictable (3 Hz rate), but were occasionally omitted.
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We conclude that RAS facilitates attentional processing of temporally predictable external events in PD patients as well as healthy controls, but embodied timing encoding via body movement does not affect stimulus processing due to BG impairment in patients.
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How relevant to-be-memorized information is protected against the adverse influence of a temporally predictable distractor was the main goal of the present study.
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, oculomotor task prioritization) that could be attenuated by both instructions and changes in the task environment (providing temporally predictable input).
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The spatio-temporal sequence of eye movements elicits a succession of temporally predictable quasi-rhythmic sensory inputs, whose encoding is enhanced by entrainment of low frequency oscillations to the rate of eye movements.
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The experiment involved two groups of older and younger adults who performed randomized speech vowel vocalization and button press motor reaction time tasks in response to temporally predictable and unpredictable visual stimuli.
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Many species of groupers form transient fish spawning aggregations (FSAs) that are both spatially and temporally predictable, making them highly vulnerable to fishing.
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We conclude that OTR neurotransmission in the BNSTdl plays a pivotal role in strengthening fear learning of temporally predictable, signaled threats.
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