Introduction to Temporally Evolving Turbulent
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Temporally Evolving Turbulent sentence examples
Temporally Evolving Turbulent
The resulting time-integration techniques are employed in a 3D simulation of a temporally evolving turbulent planar flame with dimethyl ether/air chemistry, and improvements with respect to the computational efficiency and strong scalability are examined.
The resulting time-integration techniques are employed in a 3D simulation of a temporally evolving turbulent planar flame with dimethyl ether/air chemistry, and improvements with respect to the computational efficiency and strong scalability are examined.
Temporally Evolving Turbulent
The scalar dissipation rate of the progress variable from temporally evolving turbulent lean premixed H2-air flames in the thin reaction zone regime is analyzed using the chemical explosive mode analysis to understand its dependence on combustion modes and transient flame features.
The scalar dissipation rate of the progress variable from temporally evolving turbulent lean premixed H2-air flames in the thin reaction zone regime is analyzed using the chemical explosive mode analysis to understand its dependence on combustion modes and transient flame features.
Temporally Evolving Turbulent
In the present work we assess the capabilities of neural networks to predict temporally evolving turbulent flows.
In the present work we assess the capabilities of neural networks to predict temporally evolving turbulent flows.
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Temporally Evolving Turbulent