Introduction to Telaga Warna
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Here we present two case studies-the Jigokudani Monkey Park, Japan, and the Telaga Warna Nature Recreational Park, Indonesia-where we provide quantitative assessments of people's motivations for visiting managed (monkey parks) and unmanaged (incidental) monkey tourism sites.
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This study examines the spatiotemporal variations in diatom assemblages and selected metal concentrations (Pb, Cr, Cd, Al, and Zn) in bed sediments of lakes Telaga Pengilon and Telaga Warna in Dieng, Indonesia to document natural and/or anthropogenic changes in the local aquatic and terrestrial environment.
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TWA Telaga Warna is a Nature Conservation Area which is mainly intended for tourism and nature recreation.
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Paleolimnology had been studied for Rawapening Lake and Telaga Warna Lake, Dieng.
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Very few research has been done on the diversity of terrestrial ferns (Pteridophyta) in the Ciliwung Telaga Warna Puncak tea garden in Bogor, West Java.
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Potensi lokal meliputi menghitung bibit dan hasil pertanian, Candi Arjuna, cara petani mengairi lahan, kawah sikidang, telaga warna, telaga menjer, telaga pengilon, telaga dlingo, telaga merdada, telaga cebong, telaga swiwi, PLTU Geodipa, sumber air mangli, carica, mie ongklok, alat pemanas ruangan, dataran tinggi dieng, alat musik Bundengan, jalur tingungan di sekitar dataran tinggi Dieng, Sungai Serayu, pemandian Kalianget, dan ruwatan rambut gimbal.
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This research is done in the Nature reserve area and Telaga Warna Natural Nature Park.
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