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Keywords: Language functions, teaching functional language, teaching Turkish as a foreign language, Common European Famework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), Language Policy Programme Education Policy Division Education Department Council of Europe.
In both experiments, we found that the UW Virtual Brain Project lessons were effective for teaching functional neuroanatomy, with no difference between devices.
We report our experiences with what we call functional audio processing as an example domain for teaching functional programming to first-year students, where simplicity and conceptual elegance outweighs the inherent limitation to additive synthesis.
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Following baseline, the functional play intervention was presented, which consisted of teaching functional play through modeling.
The methodological foundations of teaching functional word formation to foreign students in Russian linguistic are presented.
This study evaluated the application and effectiveness of a TEACCH approach in teaching functional skills to young adults with ASD who have mild to moderate intellectual disabilities.
We conclude that identification of children’s strengths may assist in identifying effective prompting procedures that could then be used in teaching functional communication skills.
While the funded project work formally began in 2015, the PIs conducted initial studies on teaching functional modeling as early as 2011 [1], and in that work stated one of the research goals was to “.
Thus, it can be argued that virtual environments are a promising tool for teaching functional skills to students with ADHD or developmental dyslexia, displaying challenging behaviors.
Second, facilitators provided electronic health record (EHR)/data expertise, often by teaching functionality and completing technical assistance and tasks.