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Taman Sari sentence examples within Desa Taman Sari
Aplikasi sistem informasi desa yang dikembangkan secara mandiri oleh Pemerintah Desa Taman Sari dan Program Studi Teknik Informatika belum berjalan optimal, hal ini karena perangkat desa belum memahami penggunaan Sistem Informasi Desa.
Aplikasi sistem informasi desa yang dikembangkan secara mandiri oleh Pemerintah Desa Taman Sari dan Program Studi Teknik Informatika belum berjalan optimal, hal ini karena perangkat desa belum memahami penggunaan Sistem Informasi Desa.
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Taman Sari sentence examples within taman sari village
This was a case study research at “Wahana Bambu Wilis” located in Dasan Bara Hamlet, Taman Sari Village.
This was a case study research at “Wahana Bambu Wilis” located in Dasan Bara Hamlet, Taman Sari Village.
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The fact that the Banyuwangi Regency Government and BCA, one of the major banks in Indonesia has collaborated in developing this Tamansari tourism village, so helix collaborates to actively provide assistance to the community has taken place in order to be able to further develop the potential of Taman Sari village.
The fact that the Banyuwangi Regency Government and BCA, one of the major banks in Indonesia has collaborated in developing this Tamansari tourism village, so helix collaborates to actively provide assistance to the community has taken place in order to be able to further develop the potential of Taman Sari village.
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Taman Sari sentence examples within taman sari tourism
Aims: (1) To know the impact of tourism development on environmental conditions in the Taman Sari tourism area of Yogyakarta, (2) To know the impact of tourism development on the sociocultural conditions of the people in the Taman Sari tourism area in Yogyakarta.
Aims: (1) To know the impact of tourism development on environmental conditions in the Taman Sari tourism area of Yogyakarta, (2) To know the impact of tourism development on the sociocultural conditions of the people in the Taman Sari tourism area in Yogyakarta.
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Taman Sari Tourism Marketing Strategy Through Destination branding has tourism potential through culture and historical value.
Taman Sari Tourism Marketing Strategy Through Destination branding has tourism potential through culture and historical value.
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Primary data was taken from survey to patients who are taking drugs in the outpatient pharmacy installation unit at Taman Sari Hospital, West Jakarta.
Primary data was taken from survey to patients who are taking drugs in the outpatient pharmacy installation unit at Taman Sari Hospital, West Jakarta.
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Abstrct : The object of this research is the Sumber Rezeki Rice Refinery which produces rice in Taman Sari, Kec.
Abstrct : The object of this research is the Sumber Rezeki Rice Refinery which produces rice in Taman Sari, Kec.
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Ecotourism Bukit Cemeng is one of them, which is located at the eastern end of Bukit Bangli, the western boundary is at Banjar Brahmana Bukit and the eastern boundary is in Sidembunut with many potentials, among others Pancuran Suji Tourism is two pancoran locations where one is used for a holy place to do melukat while the other is a public bath, Hyang Ukir Temple which is worthy of being a spiritual location and starting trekking towards the Bukit Cemeng ecotourism, there is also Taman Sari River which is a public bath and irrigation route for rice fields, and in Taman Sari there is also an artificial cave, Gua Merku, besides that there is also a small industry of making souvenirs from solid stone chisels, wood and woven bamboo.
Ecotourism Bukit Cemeng is one of them, which is located at the eastern end of Bukit Bangli, the western boundary is at Banjar Brahmana Bukit and the eastern boundary is in Sidembunut with many potentials, among others Pancuran Suji Tourism is two pancoran locations where one is used for a holy place to do melukat while the other is a public bath, Hyang Ukir Temple which is worthy of being a spiritual location and starting trekking towards the Bukit Cemeng ecotourism, there is also Taman Sari River which is a public bath and irrigation route for rice fields, and in Taman Sari there is also an artificial cave, Gua Merku, besides that there is also a small industry of making souvenirs from solid stone chisels, wood and woven bamboo.
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Aplikasi sistem informasi desa yang dikembangkan secara mandiri oleh Pemerintah Desa Taman Sari dan Program Studi Teknik Informatika belum berjalan optimal, hal ini karena perangkat desa belum memahami penggunaan Sistem Informasi Desa.
Aplikasi sistem informasi desa yang dikembangkan secara mandiri oleh Pemerintah Desa Taman Sari dan Program Studi Teknik Informatika belum berjalan optimal, hal ini karena perangkat desa belum memahami penggunaan Sistem Informasi Desa.
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More Taman Sari sentence examples
PKM dilakukan di UMKM Mulyadi Shoes yang beralamat di Kampung Sindang Barang Desa Pasir Eurih, Kecamatan Taman Sari RT/01 RW/04.
PKM dilakukan di UMKM Mulyadi Shoes yang beralamat di Kampung Sindang Barang Desa Pasir Eurih, Kecamatan Taman Sari RT/01 RW/04.
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Kampung Taman Sari, Bandung, is chosen as a case study of this paper.
Kampung Taman Sari, Bandung, is chosen as a case study of this paper.
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Taman Sari Dunia suatu istilah yang bersumber dari pidato Soekarno dihadapan Sidang BPUPK pada tanggal 1 Juni 1945 yang dikenal sebagai Hari Lahir Pancasila.
Taman Sari Dunia suatu istilah yang bersumber dari pidato Soekarno dihadapan Sidang BPUPK pada tanggal 1 Juni 1945 yang dikenal sebagai Hari Lahir Pancasila.
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This paper discusses the use of in-depth FGDs to assess residents, tourists, and travelers' preferences for e-service electronic services that will increase access to historical tourism heritage and cultural tourism in Yogyakarta Special Region (Keraton Yogyakarta and Taman Sari) during the Covid Pandemic.
This paper discusses the use of in-depth FGDs to assess residents, tourists, and travelers' preferences for e-service electronic services that will increase access to historical tourism heritage and cultural tourism in Yogyakarta Special Region (Keraton Yogyakarta and Taman Sari) during the Covid Pandemic.
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Tema yang dipilih adalah pemanfaatan sungai di Perumahan Taman Sari Kahyangan Kendari untuk budidaya ikan.
Tema yang dipilih adalah pemanfaatan sungai di Perumahan Taman Sari Kahyangan Kendari untuk budidaya ikan.
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More Taman Sari sentence examples
Penelitian dilakukan di Sekolah Luar Biasa Taman Sari Kusambi Desa Sidamangura Kecamatan Kusambi Kabupaten Muna Barat.
Penelitian dilakukan di Sekolah Luar Biasa Taman Sari Kusambi Desa Sidamangura Kecamatan Kusambi Kabupaten Muna Barat.
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Sample of drinking water collected from various sources in Taman Sari and Telaga Lebur village.
Sample of drinking water collected from various sources in Taman Sari and Telaga Lebur village.
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Desa Midang, Desa Penimbiung, Desa Ranjok, Desa Sesela dan Desa Taman Sari.
Desa Midang, Desa Penimbiung, Desa Ranjok, Desa Sesela dan Desa Taman Sari.
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Taman Sari merupakan tempat peristirahatan Raja sekaligus tempat pertahanan yang dibangun pada masa Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono I bertakhta.
Taman Sari merupakan tempat peristirahatan Raja sekaligus tempat pertahanan yang dibangun pada masa Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono I bertakhta.
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Pelaksanaan pengabdian masyarakat ini dilaksanakan pada Tanggal 26 Juni 2020 di Desa Taman Sari Kecamatan Gedong Tataan Kabupaten Pesawaran dengan menggunakan metode ceramah dan disksusi.
Pelaksanaan pengabdian masyarakat ini dilaksanakan pada Tanggal 26 Juni 2020 di Desa Taman Sari Kecamatan Gedong Tataan Kabupaten Pesawaran dengan menggunakan metode ceramah dan disksusi.
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More Taman Sari sentence examples
Taman Sari - Cikapayang intersection is one of the intersections in Bandung that has traffic problems, namely traffic jams.
Taman Sari - Cikapayang intersection is one of the intersections in Bandung that has traffic problems, namely traffic jams.
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Penelitian ini menggunakan desain observasional analitik dengan melibatkan 35 ibu menyusui di Kelurahan Taman Sari Kota Bandung.
Penelitian ini menggunakan desain observasional analitik dengan melibatkan 35 ibu menyusui di Kelurahan Taman Sari Kota Bandung.
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The purpose of this study is to add knowledge about the determination of the rates of inpatient services hospitalization with the use of activity based costing, can be used as a reference in setting the service rates of hospitalization in Hospital GMC Taman Sari and as a means of comparison with hospitalization rates that are set for this, as well as being one of the inputs that provide information about activity based costing in its application in a hospital which orientation is the primary community service.
The purpose of this study is to add knowledge about the determination of the rates of inpatient services hospitalization with the use of activity based costing, can be used as a reference in setting the service rates of hospitalization in Hospital GMC Taman Sari and as a means of comparison with hospitalization rates that are set for this, as well as being one of the inputs that provide information about activity based costing in its application in a hospital which orientation is the primary community service.
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Aims: (1) To know the impact of tourism development on environmental conditions in the Taman Sari tourism area of Yogyakarta, (2) To know the impact of tourism development on the sociocultural conditions of the people in the Taman Sari tourism area in Yogyakarta.
Aims: (1) To know the impact of tourism development on environmental conditions in the Taman Sari tourism area of Yogyakarta, (2) To know the impact of tourism development on the sociocultural conditions of the people in the Taman Sari tourism area in Yogyakarta.
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The purpose of this study was to determine the performance of the queuing system at the Bandung branch of the Taman Sari BJB Bank and to determine the performance of the queuing system using the multi-channel single phase method on the BJB Bank Taman Sari Bandung Branch.
The purpose of this study was to determine the performance of the queuing system at the Bandung branch of the Taman Sari BJB Bank and to determine the performance of the queuing system using the multi-channel single phase method on the BJB Bank Taman Sari Bandung Branch.
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Subjek penelitian ini yaitu seluruh siswa kelas I SDN Taman Sari 01 Pati.
Subjek penelitian ini yaitu seluruh siswa kelas I SDN Taman Sari 01 Pati.
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Populasi penelitian ini adalah semua ibu bersalin primigravida yang melahirkan di Klinik Utama Taman Sari pada bulan Mei s/d Agustus 2018.
Populasi penelitian ini adalah semua ibu bersalin primigravida yang melahirkan di Klinik Utama Taman Sari pada bulan Mei s/d Agustus 2018.
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More Taman Sari sentence examples
This was a case study research at “Wahana Bambu Wilis” located in Dasan Bara Hamlet, Taman Sari Village.
This was a case study research at “Wahana Bambu Wilis” located in Dasan Bara Hamlet, Taman Sari Village.
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The fact that the Banyuwangi Regency Government and BCA, one of the major banks in Indonesia has collaborated in developing this Tamansari tourism village, so helix collaborates to actively provide assistance to the community has taken place in order to be able to further develop the potential of Taman Sari village.
The fact that the Banyuwangi Regency Government and BCA, one of the major banks in Indonesia has collaborated in developing this Tamansari tourism village, so helix collaborates to actively provide assistance to the community has taken place in order to be able to further develop the potential of Taman Sari village.
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Taman Sari Tourism Marketing Strategy Through Destination branding has tourism potential through culture and historical value.
Taman Sari Tourism Marketing Strategy Through Destination branding has tourism potential through culture and historical value.
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This study aims to determine self-awareness to conduct financial management in the household and the application of financial management in the families of MSME families in Taman Sari Village which is a tourist village, the community is a small trader/entrepreneur.
This study aims to determine self-awareness to conduct financial management in the household and the application of financial management in the families of MSME families in Taman Sari Village which is a tourist village, the community is a small trader/entrepreneur.
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Neg Taman Sari 3 Yogyakarta with research subjects are parents of students and class teachers and the total number of respondents was 35 people.
Neg Taman Sari 3 Yogyakarta with research subjects are parents of students and class teachers and the total number of respondents was 35 people.
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Taman Sari