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Subaerial Beach sentence examples within subaerial beach profile

Subaerial beach profiles classification: An unsupervised deep learning approach

Morphometric characterization of foredunes along the coast of northern Spain

Subaerial beach morphology change from multiple storms during the 2020 hurricane season

Shoreline Response to Wave Forcing and Sea Level Rise along a Geomorphological Complex Coastline (Western Sardinia, Mediterranean Sea)

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Morphodynamic modeling of a low-lying barrier subject to hurricane forcing: The role of backbarrier wetlands

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Subaerial beach profiles classification: An unsupervised deep learning approach

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Comparison of equilibrium sand transport rate model predictions with an extended dataset of field experiments at dry beaches with long fetch distance

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UAS-SFM and Airborne Lidar to Measure Hurricane Impacts and Short-Term Recovery Along Little St. George Island, FL, USA

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Foredune formation and evolution on a prograding sea-breeze dominated beach

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Decadal-scale subaerial beach and dune evolution at Duck, North Carolina

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Calibration data requirements for modelling subaerial beach storm erosion

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Variability of sandbar morphometrics over three seasonal cycles on a single-barred beach

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Sixteen years of bathymetry and waves at San Diego beaches

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Dual wave farms for energy production and coastal protection under sea level rise

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Morphometric characterization of foredunes along the coast of northern Spain

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Subaerial Beach