Introduction to Strict Lyapunov Function
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In this note, we use the Mazenc construction to design a simple strict Lyapunov function in a rather intuitive manner, based on a first-choice function whose derivative is negative semidefinite.
In the stability analysis, a strict Lyapunov function and its conditions are studied to prove asymptotic stability for second-order systems and Lagrangian systems.
Two illustrative examples illustrate that the proposed scheme can be used to ensure UGES even though finding a common quadratic strict Lyapunov function is sometimes impossible for arbitrarily switched LTI systems.
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The finite-time stability of the closed-loop attitude control system is proved by using a continuously-differentiable, homogeneous and strict Lyapunov function.
First, a strict Lyapunov function is proposed for this dynamics and the conditions of strict passivity with a corresponding output are given.
Using the strict Lyapunov function, some sufficient conditions in terms of matrix inequalities are obtained for the boundary ISS of the closed-loop hyperbolic PDE-ODE systems.
Strict Lyapunov functions for these systems are provided.
For a linear parameterization of the unknown parameters, a new strict Lyapunov function construction method is first presented for I&I adaptive control systems using the notion of integral inputto-state stability (iISS).
More significantly, for the first time in the literature, a strict Lyapunov function is provided and uniform global asymptotic stability for the closed-loop system is established.
This paper proposes strict Lyapunov functions (SLFs) for the Saturated-Proportional-Saturated-Derivative with gravity cancellation controller for the case when the robot manipulator has non-ideal actuators and without taking into account the viscous friction in the model.
When a nonlinear system has a strict Lyapunov function, its stability can be studied using standard tools from Lyapunov stability theory.
Asymptotic stability of the closed loop system is proven using a Strict Lyapunov Function.