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States Beyond sentence examples within Spin States Beyond
This effect, which we have termed “ballistic spin locking”, illustrates the interconnectivity of the electron spin and orbital motion in a ballistic regime and allows us to extend control of the spin states beyond the limits imposed by rotation around the magnetic field.
This effect, which we have termed “ballistic spin locking”, illustrates the interconnectivity of the electron spin and orbital motion in a ballistic regime and allows us to extend control of the spin states beyond the limits imposed by rotation around the magnetic field.
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24 Yet, extending the optical control of single-spin states beyond defects in 3D crystals, to 2D systems, has remained elusive.
24 Yet, extending the optical control of single-spin states beyond defects in 3D crystals, to 2D systems, has remained elusive.
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States Beyond sentence examples within Member States Beyond
Since the end of 1970, the World Health Organization has encouraged the development of public policies that expand the approach to care and the therapeutic possibilities offered by its member states beyond technoscientific health care.
Since the end of 1970, the World Health Organization has encouraged the development of public policies that expand the approach to care and the therapeutic possibilities offered by its member states beyond technoscientific health care.
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This work was initiated to strengthen the cooperation on HTA between Member States beyond 2020, in response to the calls coming from the Members States, the European Parliament, and other interested parties.
This work was initiated to strengthen the cooperation on HTA between Member States beyond 2020, in response to the calls coming from the Members States, the European Parliament, and other interested parties.
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States Beyond sentence examples within Disease States Beyond
Consequently they are also potential therapeutic targets for prevention of disease states beyond thrombosis, such as sepsis, cancer and stroke.
Consequently they are also potential therapeutic targets for prevention of disease states beyond thrombosis, such as sepsis, cancer and stroke.
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Understanding that link may yield valuable knowledge on the role obesity plays in numerous disease states beyond COVID-19.
Understanding that link may yield valuable knowledge on the role obesity plays in numerous disease states beyond COVID-19.
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More States Beyond sentence examples
We conclude that the Fe 3p XPS provides an additional means for distinguishing Fe(III) and Fe(II) oxidation states beyond just using the Fe 2p spectrum.
We conclude that the Fe 3p XPS provides an additional means for distinguishing Fe(III) and Fe(II) oxidation states beyond just using the Fe 2p spectrum.
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More States Beyond sentence examples
Calculated oscillator strength of quaternary alloys show presence of sufficient number of electrons in unoccupied conduction states beyond 27.
Calculated oscillator strength of quaternary alloys show presence of sufficient number of electrons in unoccupied conduction states beyond 27.
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More States Beyond sentence examples
However, the contribution of this density of states beyond threshold voltage is negligible.
However, the contribution of this density of states beyond threshold voltage is negligible.
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More States Beyond sentence examples
In this case, we construct a Halo EFT using a spherical basis, an approach ideally suited for the inclusion of halo states beyond the S-wave.
In this case, we construct a Halo EFT using a spherical basis, an approach ideally suited for the inclusion of halo states beyond the S-wave.
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More States Beyond sentence examples
Consequently they are also potential therapeutic targets for prevention of disease states beyond thrombosis, such as sepsis, cancer and stroke.
Consequently they are also potential therapeutic targets for prevention of disease states beyond thrombosis, such as sepsis, cancer and stroke.
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More States Beyond sentence examples
Subsequent works have expanded the discussions of the measurement-based quantum computation to various subjects, including the quantification of entanglement for such a measurement-based scheme, the search for other resource states beyond cluster states and computational phases of matter.
Subsequent works have expanded the discussions of the measurement-based quantum computation to various subjects, including the quantification of entanglement for such a measurement-based scheme, the search for other resource states beyond cluster states and computational phases of matter.
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More States Beyond sentence examples
Once the correlation space is represented by real-valued primitive Hartree products, the assignment of vibrational states beyond the fundamentals is usually a tedious task and is further complicated by the use of non-symmetry-adapted coordinates.
Once the correlation space is represented by real-valued primitive Hartree products, the assignment of vibrational states beyond the fundamentals is usually a tedious task and is further complicated by the use of non-symmetry-adapted coordinates.
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More States Beyond sentence examples
These results extend the physics of edge states beyond wave systems.
These results extend the physics of edge states beyond wave systems.
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More States Beyond sentence examples
Such a complex network of regulatory interactions that possess feed-forward and feedback connections can have multiple response dynamics that may include several stable homeostatic states beyond normal health.
Such a complex network of regulatory interactions that possess feed-forward and feedback connections can have multiple response dynamics that may include several stable homeostatic states beyond normal health.
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More States Beyond sentence examples
Understanding that link may yield valuable knowledge on the role obesity plays in numerous disease states beyond COVID-19.
Understanding that link may yield valuable knowledge on the role obesity plays in numerous disease states beyond COVID-19.
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More States Beyond sentence examples
By applying MOSAIC to GM12878 and K562 cells, we identify CD86, ILDR1 and GATA2 which show concordance between gene expression and compartmental states beyond the scheme of A/B compartments.
By applying MOSAIC to GM12878 and K562 cells, we identify CD86, ILDR1 and GATA2 which show concordance between gene expression and compartmental states beyond the scheme of A/B compartments.
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More States Beyond sentence examples
Since the end of 1970, the World Health Organization has encouraged the development of public policies that expand the approach to care and the therapeutic possibilities offered by its member states beyond technoscientific health care.
Since the end of 1970, the World Health Organization has encouraged the development of public policies that expand the approach to care and the therapeutic possibilities offered by its member states beyond technoscientific health care.
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More States Beyond sentence examples
The notion of higher-order topological insulators has endowed materials with topological states beyond the first order.
The notion of higher-order topological insulators has endowed materials with topological states beyond the first order.
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More States Beyond sentence examples
In the last few decades, topological phase1-11 has emerged as a new classification of matter states beyond the Ginzburg-Landau symmetry-breaking paradigm.
In the last few decades, topological phase1-11 has emerged as a new classification of matter states beyond the Ginzburg-Landau symmetry-breaking paradigm.
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More States Beyond sentence examples
Nagel acknowledged the numerous rule-based regimes and institutions that regulate cooperation among private actors and states beyond sovereign borders, often circumscribing domestic law making, sometimes with direct consequences for individual citizens and firms.
Nagel acknowledged the numerous rule-based regimes and institutions that regulate cooperation among private actors and states beyond sovereign borders, often circumscribing domestic law making, sometimes with direct consequences for individual citizens and firms.
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More States Beyond sentence examples
Furthermore, the UV sensitivity of the SM Higgs sector suggests that new states beyond the SM might exist at energies not far above the weak scale.
Furthermore, the UV sensitivity of the SM Higgs sector suggests that new states beyond the SM might exist at energies not far above the weak scale.
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More States Beyond sentence examples
We propose that this observation can be explained by the statistical hadronization model (SHM), by employing a largely augmented set of charm-baryon states beyond the current listings of the particle data group.
We propose that this observation can be explained by the statistical hadronization model (SHM), by employing a largely augmented set of charm-baryon states beyond the current listings of the particle data group.
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More States Beyond sentence examples
Quantum computers differ from traditional computers because unlike traditional computers that use and process information in bits (0 or 1), the unit of information in quantum computers is the quantum bit, or qubit, that can represent additional states beyond ones and zeros at the same time.
Quantum computers differ from traditional computers because unlike traditional computers that use and process information in bits (0 or 1), the unit of information in quantum computers is the quantum bit, or qubit, that can represent additional states beyond ones and zeros at the same time.
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More States Beyond sentence examples
This belief, popular in the late nineteenth century, maintained that cultivation of arid lands in the United States beyond the 100th meridian west would boost precipitation, creating a climate more favourable for farming.
This belief, popular in the late nineteenth century, maintained that cultivation of arid lands in the United States beyond the 100th meridian west would boost precipitation, creating a climate more favourable for farming.
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More States Beyond sentence examples
Remarkably, for sterically hindered hemi-indigo derivatives, thermal lifetimes of the metastable states beyond 3000 years have been achieved [14].
Remarkably, for sterically hindered hemi-indigo derivatives, thermal lifetimes of the metastable states beyond 3000 years have been achieved [14].
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More States Beyond sentence examples
In analogy to the commensurate ideas of metamagnetic phase transitions, we describe the physics of thermodynamic states beyond an isotropic Lifshitz endpoint.
In analogy to the commensurate ideas of metamagnetic phase transitions, we describe the physics of thermodynamic states beyond an isotropic Lifshitz endpoint.
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More States Beyond sentence examples
This effect, which we have termed “ballistic spin locking”, illustrates the interconnectivity of the electron spin and orbital motion in a ballistic regime and allows us to extend control of the spin states beyond the limits imposed by rotation around the magnetic field.
This effect, which we have termed “ballistic spin locking”, illustrates the interconnectivity of the electron spin and orbital motion in a ballistic regime and allows us to extend control of the spin states beyond the limits imposed by rotation around the magnetic field.
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More States Beyond sentence examples
Christian devotional practices are of a very ambiguous nature, they encompass the passage from the realms of the body to the realms of the mind, and, in the case of involved revelatory phenomena, even to the states beyond the intellectual.
Christian devotional practices are of a very ambiguous nature, they encompass the passage from the realms of the body to the realms of the mind, and, in the case of involved revelatory phenomena, even to the states beyond the intellectual.
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More States Beyond sentence examples
Our findings suggest that the strain and the proximity effect in TI/non-TI heterostructures may be feasible ways to engineer the topological surface states beyond the physical and topological thickness limit.
Our findings suggest that the strain and the proximity effect in TI/non-TI heterostructures may be feasible ways to engineer the topological surface states beyond the physical and topological thickness limit.
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More States Beyond sentence examples
Comparison of calculations with qubit registers encoding different types of singlets (closed-shell and open-shell) suggest that conventional VQE may be able to calculate higher excited states beyond the first one for a particular set of symmetries, although with a significant loss in accuracy.
Comparison of calculations with qubit registers encoding different types of singlets (closed-shell and open-shell) suggest that conventional VQE may be able to calculate higher excited states beyond the first one for a particular set of symmetries, although with a significant loss in accuracy.
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More States Beyond sentence examples
This work thus generalizes these anomalous chiral states beyond Floquet systems, to a class of discrete-time dynamical systems where a periodic driving in time is not required.
This work thus generalizes these anomalous chiral states beyond Floquet systems, to a class of discrete-time dynamical systems where a periodic driving in time is not required.
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More States Beyond sentence examples
The invariant mass distribution of the leading photon and jet is examined to look for the resonant production of new particles or the presence of new high-mass states beyond the SM.
The invariant mass distribution of the leading photon and jet is examined to look for the resonant production of new particles or the presence of new high-mass states beyond the SM.
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More States Beyond sentence examples
24 Yet, extending the optical control of single-spin states beyond defects in 3D crystals, to 2D systems, has remained elusive.
24 Yet, extending the optical control of single-spin states beyond defects in 3D crystals, to 2D systems, has remained elusive.
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More States Beyond sentence examples
Quantum Boltzmann machine extends the classical Boltzmann machine learning to the quantum regime, which makes its power to simulate the quantum states beyond the classical probability distributions.
Quantum Boltzmann machine extends the classical Boltzmann machine learning to the quantum regime, which makes its power to simulate the quantum states beyond the classical probability distributions.
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More States Beyond sentence examples
In periods with sea states beyond safe workboat weather, barnacles may grow beyond what the SCU can handle.
In periods with sea states beyond safe workboat weather, barnacles may grow beyond what the SCU can handle.
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More States Beyond sentence examples
The experimental search for MBSs in proximitized nanowires has encountered a rich and complex phenomenology that has required standard theoretical models to be extended substantially, revealing in the process a host of mechanisms for the emergence of zero-energy bound states beyond the original band-topological framework.
The experimental search for MBSs in proximitized nanowires has encountered a rich and complex phenomenology that has required standard theoretical models to be extended substantially, revealing in the process a host of mechanisms for the emergence of zero-energy bound states beyond the original band-topological framework.
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More States Beyond sentence examples
Both applications deal with advanced nonclassical states beyond Gaussian coherent and squeezed states.
Both applications deal with advanced nonclassical states beyond Gaussian coherent and squeezed states.
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More States Beyond sentence examples
The third option would be its own structure including states beyond the GCC such as Egypt and Jordan: that is the idea of an Arab NATO or The Middle East Strategic Alliance (MESA) conceived to meet U.
The third option would be its own structure including states beyond the GCC such as Egypt and Jordan: that is the idea of an Arab NATO or The Middle East Strategic Alliance (MESA) conceived to meet U.
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More States Beyond sentence examples
Many-body eigenstates beyond the gaussian approximation can be constructed in terms of local integrals of motion (IOM), although their actual computation has been until now a daunting task.
Many-body eigenstates beyond the gaussian approximation can be constructed in terms of local integrals of motion (IOM), although their actual computation has been until now a daunting task.
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More States Beyond sentence examples
The representation of all experimental data available in the literature for the corresponding binary systems is carefully analyzed so that these functions can also be applied at fluid states beyond the liquefied natural gas (LNG) region.
The representation of all experimental data available in the literature for the corresponding binary systems is carefully analyzed so that these functions can also be applied at fluid states beyond the liquefied natural gas (LNG) region.
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More States Beyond sentence examples
This work was initiated to strengthen the cooperation on HTA between Member States beyond 2020, in response to the calls coming from the Members States, the European Parliament, and other interested parties.
This work was initiated to strengthen the cooperation on HTA between Member States beyond 2020, in response to the calls coming from the Members States, the European Parliament, and other interested parties.
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More States Beyond sentence examples
This transformation yields an essential simplification for determining the states beyond half-filling.
This transformation yields an essential simplification for determining the states beyond half-filling.
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States Veterans
States Across
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States Beyond