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Standardisation Initiative sentence examples within Diet Standardisation Initiative

Printability and textural assessment of modified-texture cooked beef pastes for dysphagia patients

Relationships Between Survival and Oral Status, Swallowing Function, and Oral Intake Level in Older Patients with Aspiration Pneumonia

Standardisation Initiative sentence examples within Biomarker Standardisation Initiative

Improved 18-FDG PET/CT diagnosis of multiple myeloma diffuse disease by radiomics analysis

Radiomics feature stability of open-source software evaluated on apparent diffusion coefficient maps in head and neck cancer

Standardisation Initiative sentence examples within standardisation initiative functional

Relationships Between Survival and Oral Status, Swallowing Function, and Oral Intake Level in Older Patients with Aspiration Pneumonia

Contributors to Poststroke Dysphagia-Related Caregiver Burden.

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Printability and textural assessment of modified-texture cooked beef pastes for dysphagia patients

Relationships Between Survival and Oral Status, Swallowing Function, and Oral Intake Level in Older Patients with Aspiration Pneumonia

Improved 18-FDG PET/CT diagnosis of multiple myeloma diffuse disease by radiomics analysis

Effect of Formula Type and Preparation on International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative Thickness Level and Milk Flow Rates From Bottle Teats.

Radiomics feature stability of open-source software evaluated on apparent diffusion coefficient maps in head and neck cancer

3D food printing of fresh vegetables using food hydrocolloids for dysphagic patients

Thickened Liquids Using Pureed Foods for Children with Dysphagia: IDDSI and Rheology Measurements

Effects of different viscous liquids and solid foods on swallowing speeds and sounds among healthy adults.

Thickened Formulas Used for Infants with Dysphagia: Influence of Time and Temperature

Contributors to Poststroke Dysphagia-Related Caregiver Burden.

Multi-Operator Connectivity Sharing for Reliable Networks: A Data-Driven Risk Analysis

Effect of reheating method on the post-processing characterisation of 3D printed meat products for dysphagia patients

The future of connected and automated mobility in the UK: call for evidence

BURST: a benchmarking platform for uniform random sampling techniques

Flow-dependent tongue pressure modulation (Steele et al., 2019)

IT Tools and standards supporting Mass Customization in the Building Industry

Technical Note: An IBEX adaption towards image biomarker standardization.

Experimental and Computational Investigation of the IDDSI Flow Test of Liquids Used in Dysphagia Management

Are you IDDSI ready

PO-0964 Stability and prognostic significance of CT radiomic features from oesophageal cancer patients

Chapter 19:Food Structure Development for Specific Population Groups

Modulation of Tongue Pressure According to Liquid Flow Properties in Healthy Swallowing

Strategies for Standardizing Health Information Analysis - Flexible Standards Revisited

Release of updated International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative Framework (IDDSI 2.0).

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Standardisation Initiative