Introduction to Spray Tower
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Spray Tower sentence examples within Potter Spray Tower
Conidial suspensions (1 × 108 conidia ml−1) of the fungi were directly applied to both the pests in Petri dishes (2 ml per dish), using a Potter spray tower.
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To validate the method, comparative deposition analyses were carried out using representative systematic and non-systematic pesticides (nitenpyram and chlorothalonil) under the same spraying scenarios using a Potter spray tower.
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Conidial suspensions (1 × 108 conidia ml−1) of the fungi were directly applied to both the pests in Petri dishes (2 ml per dish), using a Potter spray tower.
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To validate the method, comparative deposition analyses were carried out using representative systematic and non-systematic pesticides (nitenpyram and chlorothalonil) under the same spraying scenarios using a Potter spray tower.
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The experiments are used to develop and tune suitable models for the packed and spray towers design in representative operating conditions.
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The leaf disc-spray tower method was used for the selection.
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Experiments clearly show that electrification is associated with an appreciable improvement of sulphur dioxide absorption rate, reducing the height of transfer unit, HTU, of the lab-scale unit by at least 40%, with peaks over 80% with low supplementary costs, and it candidates to be a valuable innovation for spray tower absorbers.
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Five concentration 40, 47, 56, 67 and 80 µl/ml, of these plant extracts were sprayed on the fifth instar nymphs of common pistachio psylla by Potter Spray Tower under laboratory conditions (26 ± 2 °C, 60–70% RH and a photoperiod of 16L: 8D h).
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The air-blast atomizing column was also compared with the pressure spray tower on the studies of the CO2 capture performance.
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It combines the advantages of the common spray tower and the jet bubble reactor, in which the flue gas experiences an initial SO2/NOx removal in the spray zone and then undergoes further removal in the bubble zone.
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To simulate field exposures of formulated imidacloprid (Advise® 2Fl), we used a modified spray tower to treat honeybee workers and monitored five enzyme activities and survival for up to 52 days.
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In the first method, conidial concentrations (1 × 106 and 1 × 108 conidia ml−1) of the fungal isolates were directly applied to the beetles in Petri dishes (2 ml per dish), using a Potter spray tower.
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The spraying was carried out in Torre de Potter spray tower.
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This paper presents an analysis of the changes in interfacial surface and the size of droplets formed in a spray tower.
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Seven insecticides were tested (at six hours by using a Potter spray tower) to determine the mortality on adult D.
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The scrubber type was spray tower using stainless steel material and packed bed with marbles.
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The efficiency of wet flue gas desulfurization (WFGD) used in thermal power plants that burn high-sulfur coal can be improved by adopting dual-loop spray tower (DLST).
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In this work, we experimentally studied the performance of CO2 absorption in a spray tower using the blended NH3/PZ solution.
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74% Kata kunci : sulfur dioksida, spray tower , absorbsi, conductivitymetri.
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INTRODUCTION Air-Conditioning Air-Conditioning Systems Air-Conditioning Project Development and Design PSYCHROMETRICS Moist Air Humidity and Enthalpy Moist Volume, Density, Specific Heat, and Dewpoint Thermodynamic Wet Bulb Temperature Psychometric Charts AIR-CONDITIONING PROCESSES AND CYCLES Air-Conditioning Processes Space Conditioning, Sensible Cooling, and Sensible Heating Processes Humidifying and Cooling and Dehumidifying Processes Air-Conditioning Cycles and Operating Modes REFRIGERANTS AND REFRIGERATION CYCLES Refrigeration and Refrigeration Systems Refrigerants, Cooling Mediums, and Absorbents Classification of Refrigerants Required Properties of Refrigerants Ideal Single-Stage Vapor Compression Cycle Coefficient of Performance of Refrigeration Cycle Subcooling and Superheating Refrigeration Cycle of Two-Stage Compound Systems with a Flush Cooler Cascade System Characteristics OUTDOOR DESIGN CONDITIONS AND INDOOR DESIGN CRITERIA Outdoor Design Conditions Indoor Design Criteria and Thermal Comfort Indoor Temperature, Relative Humidity, and Air Velocity Indoor Air Quality and Outdoor Ventilation Air Requirements LOAD CALCULATIONS Space Loads Moisture Transfer in Building Envelope Cooling Load Calculation Methodology Conduction Heat Gains Internal Heat Gains Conversion of Heat Gains into Cooling Load by TFM Heating Load AIR HANDLING UNITS AND PACKAGED UNITS Terminals and Air Handling Units Packaged Units Coils Air Filters Humidifiers REFRIGERATION COMPONENTS AND EVAPORATIVE COOLERS Refrigeration Compressors Refrigeration Condensers Evaporators and Refrigerant Flow Control Devices Evaporative Coolers WATER SYSTEMS Types of Water Systems Basics Water Piping Plant-Building Loop Plant-Distribution-Building Loop HEATING SYSTEMS Types of Heating Systems REFRIGERATION SYSTEMS Classification of Refrigerant Systems THERMAL STORAGE SYSTEMS Thermal Storage Systems and Off-Peak Air-Conditioning Systems Ice-Storage Systems Chilled-Water Storage Systems AIR SYSTEM BASICS Fan-Duct Systems System Effect Modulation of Air Systems Fan Combinations in Air-Handling Units and Packaged Units Fan Energy Use Year-Round Operation and Economizers Outdoor Ventilation Air Supply ABSORPTION SYSTEMS Double-Effect Direct-Fired Absorption Chillers Absorption Cycles, Parallel-, Series-, and Reverse-Parallel Flow AIR-CONDITIONING SYSTEMS AND SELECTION Basics in Classification Individual Systems Packaged Systems Central Systems Air-Conditioning System Selection Comparison of Various Systems Subsystems Energy Conservation Recommendations DESICCANT DEHUMIDIFICATION AND AIR-CONDITIONING Introduction Sorbents and Desiccants Dehumidification Liquid Spray Tower Solid Packed Tower Rotary Desiccant Dehumidifiers Hybrid Cycles Solid Desiccant Air-Conditioning Conclusions Appendix A: Properties of Gases and Vapors Appendix B: Properties of Liquids Appendix C: Properties of Solids Appendix D: SI Units Appendix E: Miscellaneous.
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