Introduction to Spray Dried Emulsions
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In spray-dried emulsions a wide range of emulsifying constituents including proteins and low molecular weight emulsifiers are used.
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Results showed that FOCE could be an adequate emulsifier for spray-dried emulsions with a high oil content providing high stability after reconstitution, when compared to emulsions based only on maltodextrin–starch wall material with water as the liquid phase.
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This work investigates the main factors influencing the oxygen barrier properties of maltodextrin-based spray-dried emulsions with different surface-active components (SAC).
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The objective of the study was to investigate the application of flaxseed oil cake extract (FOCE) for oxidative stabilization of flaxseed oil in spray-dried emulsions.
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As preliminary approximation for evaluating differences in the homogenization technology applied, encapsulation efficiency and morphological characteristics of on spray-dried emulsions (SDE) containing 21.
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In conclusion the Tg of low protein spray dried emulsions can be increased and the surface fat decreased, helping to reduce susceptibility to stickiness.
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