Introduction to Spherical Gypsum
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Spherical Gypsum sentence examples within spherical gypsum particle
To study the breakage characteristics of coarse-grained particles under lateral pressure, the breakage characteristics of spherical gypsum particles under three-point contact were studied.
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This paper elaborates the cone–hemispherical gypsum particle breakages under normal contact with different particle shape parameters (contact diameter d, cone angle θ and sphere diameter D) and proposes a simple quantitative approach to discriminate breakage modes.
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To study the breakage characteristics of coarse-grained particles under lateral pressure, the breakage characteristics of spherical gypsum particles under three-point contact were studied.
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This paper elaborates the cone–hemispherical gypsum particle breakages under normal contact with different particle shape parameters (contact diameter d, cone angle θ and sphere diameter D) and proposes a simple quantitative approach to discriminate breakage modes.
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