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In both studies, the authors appropriately considered the interval between the antemortem SPECT scans and death.
Sensitivity (76%), NPV (84%), and accuracy (85%) of good quality SPECT scans was superior to those of moderate (41% p = 0.
2% female) who underwent neuropsychological evaluations and brain SPECT scans as part of their routine clinical care.
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MethodsWe collected [123I]FP-CIT SPECT scans of the Levodopa in EArly Parkinson’s disease (LEAP) trial participants that were made prior to recruitment, as part of routine clinical work-up.
FindingsAssessing the results from PET or SPECT scans after a period of actual walking as well as fMRI during mental imagery or virtual reality (VR) gait paradigms, we found a varying pattern of gait-related brain activity.
Data were processed retrospectively for 125 different Tc-99 m SPECT scans of standardized phantoms for 14 rotating Anger detector systems as part of routine quarterly QA.
One hundred ninety-nine I-FP-CIT SPECT scans obtained with standard scan time (30 minutes) were truncated to provide 24-, 18-, and 15-minute study simulations.
For the SPECT measurements, 99mTc-labeled aggregated albumin nanoparticles were administered intravenously 2 h before the liver SPECT scans (NanoSPECT/CT, Silver Upgrade, Mediso Ltd.
We developed a regression formula to estimate BCM from the radioactive signals from the pancreas in SPECT scans.
Three patients had a clinical BD diagnosis and two had ancillary testing (SPECT scans).