Specialty Knowledge in a Sentence
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This recommendation for voluntary certification in nursing leadership is based on advancing nurse leadership as a profession, the commitment to lifelong learning, demonstration of specialty knowledge, commitment to nursing leadership, and role modeling professional behaviors.
This study evaluated a novel education program, the Indiana Jail OUD Treatment ECHO, designed to disseminate specialty knowledge and improve attitudes about providing M-OUD in justice settings.
The SON faculty and each practice partner co-developed unique specialty-nursing elective courses that provide foundational specialty knowledge and skills in each practice arena.
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Methods We electronically recruited and paired oncologist mentors and medical student mentees and distributed a dedicated questionnaire (pre and post-mentorship) to compare mentees’ self-reported cancer specialty knowledge and oncology career motivation after undertaking a 6-week mentorship.
Introduction Project ECHO (Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes) is a tele-education outreach model that seeks to democratize specialty knowledge to reduce disparities and improve health outcomes.
In short, child abuse recognition is the quintessential example of a topic where subspecialty knowledge is needed by a broad range of generalist clinicians.
However, some practitioners have argued that administrative demands on time, rather than access to specialty knowledge, are the barrier to developing networks of providers for mutual education.
Part-time nurses have insufficient knowledge of dynamic posts in obstetric nursing, and need to acquire obstetric specialty knowledge urgently.
The competency model includes 6 dimensions such as education level and work experience, basic competencies, attitudes, flight operations quality assurance specialty knowledge and skills, specialty knowledge, basic skills, which include 36 competency factors.
Taking the teaching of the course “electromagnetic field and electromagnetic wave” as an example, this paper analyzes the necessity and feasibility of carrying out the political education in the courses when professional teachers in colleges teach students’ specialty knowledge and train their specialty quality.
To increase access to specialty care, the VA introduced the Specialty Care Access Network–Extension of Community Healthcare Outcomes (SCAN‐ECHO) program,3,4 which was designed to transfer subspecialty knowledge to primary care physicians.
After the max-pooling on each sentence, we adopt the mutual attention mechanism to learn the matching degree on specialty knowledge between each pair of sentences of answer and reference.