Sloping Bathymetry in a Sentence
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  The prj scheme, while highly accurate in the ocean interior, shows unphysical behaviour at the sea-bed for steeply sloping bathymetry.
We find that a DEBC comparable to that in observations and state estimate products is obtained only with combined forcing by Agulhas rings and a sloping bathymetry.
We study a sedimentary delta prograding over a fixed adversely sloping bathymetry, asking whether a perturbation to the advancing shoreline will grow (unstable) or decay (stable) through time.
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Conventional geometric spreading assumptions were challenged for the sloping bathymetry characteristic of the Hawaiian coral reef environment.
Our results suggest that strong vertical motion exists against the side walls of Nares Strait, as the across‐strait flow interacts with the steeply sloping bathymetry.
Tidal flats with shallow-sloping bathymetry under meso-to macrotidal conditions allow organisms to occupy similar tidal elevations at different distances from subtidal channels.
The investigated WEC farm is modelled for a real wave climate and a sloping bathymetry based on a proposed OSWEC array project off the coast of Bretagne, France.
The waves propagate over a sloping bathymetry and impinge upon a square structure founded onshore in a flat sediment bed.