Introduction to Sight Singing
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Sight singing and ear training are difficult subjects to teach.
Sight singing and ear training are difficult subjects to teach.
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Sight Singing is the ability to read the notation and immediately sing the tune in accordance with the melody on the sheet music.
Sight Singing is the ability to read the notation and immediately sing the tune in accordance with the melody on the sheet music.
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More Sight Singing sentence examples
The teaching of sight singing and ear training is a basic music course with the purpose of understanding, comprehending and grasping the language of music structure.
The teaching of sight singing and ear training is a basic music course with the purpose of understanding, comprehending and grasping the language of music structure.
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More Sight Singing sentence examples
: This study aims to develop the use of musical notes on solfeggio learning material in order to improve the ability of sight reading-sight singing.
: This study aims to develop the use of musical notes on solfeggio learning material in order to improve the ability of sight reading-sight singing.
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