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Senesced Leaves sentence examples within senesced leaves showed

Simulated climate change decreases nutrient resorption from senescing leaves.

Effects of nitrogen and phosphorus supply on stoichiometry of six elements in leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana

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Tree Species of Wet Tropical Forests Differ in Their Tissue Biochemistry and Effects on Soil Carbon Dynamics

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Microbes on decomposing litter in streams: entering on the leaf or colonizing in the water?

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Trade-offs and synergies associated with maize leaf stripping within crop-livestock systems in northern Ghana

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Global scaling the leaf nitrogen and phosphorus resorption of woody species: Revisiting some commonly held views.

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Effect of nitrogen and phosphorus addition on leaf nutrient concentrations and nutrient resorption efficiency of two dominant alpine grass species

Species-Specific Nitrogen Resorption Efficiency in Quercus mongolica and Acer mono in Response to Elevated CO2 and Soil N Deficiency

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Physiological and transcriptional responses of Alternaria alternata induced abnormal leaf senescence in Pyrus pyrifolia

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Responses and drivers of leaf nutrients and resorption to nitrogen enrichment across northern China’s grasslands: A meta-analysis

Nutrient resorption and stoichiometric responses of poplar (Populus deltoids) plantations to N addition in a coastal region of eastern China

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Decoupling of nitrogen and phosphorus in dominant grass species in response to long-term nitrogen addition in an Alpine Grassland in Central Asia

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senSCOPE: Modeling mixed canopies combining green and brown senesced leaves. Evaluation in a Mediterranean Grassland

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Nutrients of green and senesced leaves of a Robinia pseudoacacia plantation along a latitudinal gradient on the Loess Plateau, China

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[Nitrogen and phosphorus contents and resorption efficiency of thirty broadleaved woody plants in Yangjifeng, Jiangxi, China.]

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Disruption of Brachypodium Lichenase Alters Metabolism of Mixed-linkage Glucan and Starch

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Trait convergence in photosynthetic nutrient‐use efficiency along a 2‐million year dune chronosequence in a global biodiversity hotspot

Resorptions of 10 mineral elements in leaves of desert shrubs and their contrasting responses to aridity

Plant traits related to leaf decomposition processes in arid ecosystems of northern Patagonia

Simulated climate change decreases nutrient resorption from senescing leaves.

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Soluble phenolics extracted from Larrea divaricata leaves modulate soil microbial activity and perennial grass establishment in arid ecosystems of the Patagonian Monte, Argentina

Effects of nitrogen and phosphorus supply on stoichiometry of six elements in leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana

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Species richness mediates within‐species nutrient resorption: Implications for the biodiversity–productivity relationship

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Nitrogen and Phosphorus Retranslocation of Leaves and Stemwood in a Mature Eucalyptus Forest Exposed to 5 Years of Elevated CO2

Remobilization and fate of sulphur in mustard

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Towards a standardized protocol for measuring leaf area index in deciduous forests with litterfall collection

Nitrogen and Phosphorus Resorption in Relation to Nutrition Limitation along the Chronosequence of Black Locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) Plantation

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High-Throughput Phenotyping of Fire Blight Disease Symptoms Using Sensing Techniques in Apple

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Nitrogen–phosphorous interactions in young northern hardwoods indicate P limitation: foliar concentrations and resorption in a factorial N by P addition experiment

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New aluminum hyperaccumulator species of the Proteaceae family from southern South America

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Stand age and species traits alter the effects of understory removal on litter decomposition and nutrient dynamics in subtropical Eucalyptus plantations

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