Introduction to Senesced Leaves
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Senesced Leaves sentence examples within senesced leaves showed
Both mature and senesced leaves showed significant reductions in their nutrient contents and an altered stoichiometry in response to climate change conditions.
Both mature and senesced leaves showed significant reductions in their nutrient contents and an altered stoichiometry in response to climate change conditions.
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Compared with green leaves, the senesced leaves showed greater variability in C, N, P, K and Mg concentrations but lower variability in Ca concentration.
Compared with green leaves, the senesced leaves showed greater variability in C, N, P, K and Mg concentrations but lower variability in Ca concentration.
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More Senesced Leaves sentence examples
Newly senesced leaves and fine roots of the six species differed in their concentrations of three lignin-derived families of phenols, the cinnamyls, syringyls and vanillyls (p < 0.
Newly senesced leaves and fine roots of the six species differed in their concentrations of three lignin-derived families of phenols, the cinnamyls, syringyls and vanillyls (p < 0.
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More Senesced Leaves sentence examples
Here, we test whether fungi and bacteria that enter streams on senesced leaves are growing during decomposition and compare their abundances and growth to bacteria and fungi that colonize leaves in the water.
Here, we test whether fungi and bacteria that enter streams on senesced leaves are growing during decomposition and compare their abundances and growth to bacteria and fungi that colonize leaves in the water.
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METHODS Maize leaf stripping involved removing almost senesced leaves from maize plants below the cob level at silking.
METHODS Maize leaf stripping involved removing almost senesced leaves from maize plants below the cob level at silking.
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More Senesced Leaves sentence examples
The NuRE of woody plants in the frigid zone was the largest than that of others implied that low temperature may limit the nutrient absorption by plant roots, thereby enhancing the retranslocation of nutrients by senesced leaves.
The NuRE of woody plants in the frigid zone was the largest than that of others implied that low temperature may limit the nutrient absorption by plant roots, thereby enhancing the retranslocation of nutrients by senesced leaves.
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More Senesced Leaves sentence examples
Compared with green leaves, leaf nutrient concentrations and nutrient resorption efficiency in senesced leaves of S.
Compared with green leaves, leaf nutrient concentrations and nutrient resorption efficiency in senesced leaves of S.
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More Senesced Leaves sentence examples
The Nmass of senesced leaves decreased under low N in both species and exhibited an increase (Q.
The Nmass of senesced leaves decreased under low N in both species and exhibited an increase (Q.
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More Senesced Leaves sentence examples
In this study, the relationship of Alternaria alternata with abnormally senesced leaves (ASLs) was analyzed by physiological and molecular method.
In this study, the relationship of Alternaria alternata with abnormally senesced leaves (ASLs) was analyzed by physiological and molecular method.
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More Senesced Leaves sentence examples
Moreover, the addition of N significantly changed N and P coupling in mature leaves but not of senesced leaves, which were primarily regulated by N enrichment impacts on nutrient resorption.
Moreover, the addition of N significantly changed N and P coupling in mature leaves but not of senesced leaves, which were primarily regulated by N enrichment impacts on nutrient resorption.
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More Senesced Leaves sentence examples
We measured soil and foliar (green and senesced leaves) concentrations of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) for a series of N addition treatments including N0 (0 kg N ha−1 yr−1), N1 (50 kg N ha−1 yr−1), N2 (100 kg N ha−1 yr−1), N3 (150 kg N ha−1 yr−1) and N4 (300 kg N ha−1 yr−1).
We measured soil and foliar (green and senesced leaves) concentrations of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) for a series of N addition treatments including N0 (0 kg N ha−1 yr−1), N1 (50 kg N ha−1 yr−1), N2 (100 kg N ha−1 yr−1), N3 (150 kg N ha−1 yr−1) and N4 (300 kg N ha−1 yr−1).
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The N concentrations and N:P ratio in mature and senesced leaves consistently increased with increasing N across all three years.
The N concentrations and N:P ratio in mature and senesced leaves consistently increased with increasing N across all three years.
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On the one hand, we have developed senSCOPE, a version of the Soil-Canopy Observation of Photosynthesis and Energy fluxes (SCOPE) that separately represents light interaction and physiology of green and senesced leaves.
On the one hand, we have developed senSCOPE, a version of the Soil-Canopy Observation of Photosynthesis and Energy fluxes (SCOPE) that separately represents light interaction and physiology of green and senesced leaves.
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More Senesced Leaves sentence examples
At higher latitudes, senesced leaves had lower N levels associated with higher N resorption efficiency to maintain a stable N content in green leaves.
At higher latitudes, senesced leaves had lower N levels associated with higher N resorption efficiency to maintain a stable N content in green leaves.
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More Senesced Leaves sentence examples
The nutrient resorption efficiency of all the species were affected by the nutrient status of the senesced leaves.
The nutrient resorption efficiency of all the species were affected by the nutrient status of the senesced leaves.
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More Senesced Leaves sentence examples
Disruption of BdLCH1 resulted in an eight-fold increase in MLG content in senesced leaves.
Disruption of BdLCH1 resulted in an eight-fold increase in MLG content in senesced leaves.
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More Senesced Leaves sentence examples
Measurements of leaf light‐saturated photosynthesis and dark respiration were integrated with measurements of total N and P concentration in both mature and senesced leaves, and leaf mass per unit area (LMA).
Measurements of leaf light‐saturated photosynthesis and dark respiration were integrated with measurements of total N and P concentration in both mature and senesced leaves, and leaf mass per unit area (LMA).
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More Senesced Leaves sentence examples
Samples of green and senesced leaves were analysed to determine concentrations of N, P, K, Mg, Ca, Mn, Zn, Al, Fe and Cu and thus the nutrient resorption efficiency.
Samples of green and senesced leaves were analysed to determine concentrations of N, P, K, Mg, Ca, Mn, Zn, Al, Fe and Cu and thus the nutrient resorption efficiency.
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More Senesced Leaves sentence examples
We analyzed the variation of morphological, physical and chemical traits (specific leaf area, seed mass, N and soluble phenols in green and senesced leaves, plant height) in dominant plant species at 12 sites across an aridity gradient in northern Patagonia, Argentina.
We analyzed the variation of morphological, physical and chemical traits (specific leaf area, seed mass, N and soluble phenols in green and senesced leaves, plant height) in dominant plant species at 12 sites across an aridity gradient in northern Patagonia, Argentina.
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More Senesced Leaves sentence examples
Both mature and senesced leaves showed significant reductions in their nutrient contents and an altered stoichiometry in response to climate change conditions.
Both mature and senesced leaves showed significant reductions in their nutrient contents and an altered stoichiometry in response to climate change conditions.
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More Senesced Leaves sentence examples
We analysed the effects of secondary metabolites released from green and senesced leaves of the shrub Larrea divaricata on soil microbial activity and the establishment of perennial grasses in arid ecosystems of the Patagonian Monte.
We analysed the effects of secondary metabolites released from green and senesced leaves of the shrub Larrea divaricata on soil microbial activity and the establishment of perennial grasses in arid ecosystems of the Patagonian Monte.
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More Senesced Leaves sentence examples
Compared with green leaves, the senesced leaves showed greater variability in C, N, P, K and Mg concentrations but lower variability in Ca concentration.
Compared with green leaves, the senesced leaves showed greater variability in C, N, P, K and Mg concentrations but lower variability in Ca concentration.
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More Senesced Leaves sentence examples
Nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations in both green and senesced leaves in all species significantly decreased with increasing plant species richness, suggesting that plants used those limiting nutrients more efficiently with increasing biodiversity.
Nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations in both green and senesced leaves in all species significantly decreased with increasing plant species richness, suggesting that plants used those limiting nutrients more efficiently with increasing biodiversity.
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More Senesced Leaves sentence examples
N and P concentrations in green and senesced leaves and wood were determined to evaluate both spatial and temporal variation of leaf N and P concentrations, including the N and P retranslocation in leaves and wood.
N and P concentrations in green and senesced leaves and wood were determined to evaluate both spatial and temporal variation of leaf N and P concentrations, including the N and P retranslocation in leaves and wood.
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Up to 52 % of total sulphate accumulated by the low-GSL plants was lost through senesced leaves.
Up to 52 % of total sulphate accumulated by the low-GSL plants was lost through senesced leaves.
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More Senesced Leaves sentence examples
We also provided general models for correcting for the SLA biases due to area shrinkage and mass loss of senesced leaves in temperate forests.
We also provided general models for correcting for the SLA biases due to area shrinkage and mass loss of senesced leaves in temperate forests.
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More Senesced Leaves sentence examples
In this study, we measured C, N, and P concentrations in soil, green leaves, and senesced leaves from black locust forests of different ages (i.
In this study, we measured C, N, and P concentrations in soil, green leaves, and senesced leaves from black locust forests of different ages (i.
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More Senesced Leaves sentence examples
, maximum length of senesced leaves, area of senesced leaves, ratio between senesced and healthy leaf area) and multispectral images (e.
, maximum length of senesced leaves, area of senesced leaves, ratio between senesced and healthy leaf area) and multispectral images (e.
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More Senesced Leaves sentence examples
We collected green and senesced leaves of five species in early successional stands in the White Mountains of New Hampshire.
We collected green and senesced leaves of five species in early successional stands in the White Mountains of New Hampshire.
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More Senesced Leaves sentence examples
Mature and senesced leaves of the six Proteaceae species (Embothrium coccineum, Gevuina avellana, Orites myrtoidea, Lomatia hirsuta, L.
Mature and senesced leaves of the six Proteaceae species (Embothrium coccineum, Gevuina avellana, Orites myrtoidea, Lomatia hirsuta, L.
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More Senesced Leaves sentence examples
Litter bags containing naturally senesced leaves of either overstory Eucalyptus urophylla or understory Dicranopteris dichotoma were placed in field and periodically collected for analyses of carbon (C), nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and calculation of mass loss.
Litter bags containing naturally senesced leaves of either overstory Eucalyptus urophylla or understory Dicranopteris dichotoma were placed in field and periodically collected for analyses of carbon (C), nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and calculation of mass loss.
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Senesced Leaves