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Stabilizing Brillouin fiber laser for applications in distributed BOTDA sensing

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Fully Integrated Broad-Band High Power Frequency Comb Based on a Multimode Gain Chip

Wavelength Tunable Asymmetric B-OWC System Based on Self-Injection Locking for TDM-PONs

Thermal influence on laser self-injection locking to nonlinear microresonator

Modulation bandwidth enhanced self-injection locking laser with an external high-Q microring reflector.

Extended L-Band InAs/InP Quantum-Dash Laser in Millimeter-Wave Applications

High-Precision Tunable Single-Frequency Fiber Laser at 1.5 μm Based on Self-Injection Locking

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Self-Injection Locking of a Gain-Switched Laser Diode

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Ultra-narrow linewidth lasers and microcombs based on self-injection locking in integrated photonics (Invited)

Application of Dual-Frequency Self-Injection Locked DFB Laser for Brillouin Optical Time Domain Analysis

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Gain-Switched Laser Self-Injection Locked to a WGM Microresonator

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Suppressing Parasitic Oscillation by Using Delayed Reflections in a Multimode Gyrotron

A Method for Improving Reflection Tolerance of Laser Source in Hybrid Photonic Packaged Micro-System

Laser soliton microcombs heterogeneously integrated on silicon

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Low-noise, Frequency-agile, Hybrid Integrated Lasers for LiDAR

Dual-frequency narrowband CW fiber laser implementing self-injection locking of DFB laser diode and Brillouin lasing in a single ring cavity

Optimization of the self-injection locking and resonator characterisation in this regime

Dynamics of soliton self-injection locking in optical microresonators

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Low-noise, Frequency-agile, Hybrid Integrated Laser for LiDAR

Generation of Octave-Spanning Microresonator Solitons with a Self Injection-Locked DFB Laser

Spectrum collapse, narrow lines, and soliton combs with multi-frequency laser diodes locked to optical microresonators

Electrically Driven Photonic Integrated Soliton Microcomb

Self-Injection Locking of a Distributed Feedback Laser Diode Using a High-Finesse Fabry-Perot Microcavity

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Self-injection locking of a laser diode to a high-Q silicon WGM microresonator

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Fundamentals of the theory of self-injection locking of multi-frequency laser diode to high-Q optical microresonator

Blue Microlasers for Metrology Applications

Compact Kerr Frequency Comb Source Self-Injection Locked to a Microresonator for Absorption Spectroscopy

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Kerr Frequency Comb Generation and Soliton Dynamics Caused by Forward-Backward Wave Interaction in WGM Microresonators

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Tunable Dual-Wavelength Self-injection Locked InGaN/GaN Green Laser Diode

Inter-modal Laser Based RF Output Stabilization Using Forced SILPLL Technique

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Spectrum Collapse and Kerr Frequency Comb Generation with Multi-Frequency Laser Diodes Self-Injection Locked to High-Q Optical Microresonator

Phase-Noise Reduction in Self-Injection Locked Oscillators Using Slow-Wave Structures

Ultrasensitive ultrasound detection using an intracavity phase-shifted fiber Bragg grating in a self-injection-locked diode laser.

Cost-effective solution for phase-OTDR distributed acoustic/vibration sensing

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Generation of frequency combs and dissipative solitons in integrated microresonators in self-injection locking regime

Phase-noise reduction by self-injection locking in spatially extended tunnel-diode oscillator

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Influence of the microresonator nonlinearity on the self-injection locking effect

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Self Injection Locking