Introduction to Santolo Beach
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Santolo Beach has coral reefs and coastal land that can be used for tourism.
Santolo Beach has coral reefs and coastal land that can be used for tourism.
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This study aims to analyze the tourism potential of Santolo Beach and formulate a development strategy for Santolo Beach so that it can be developed as a marine tourism area to increase tourist visits.
This study aims to analyze the tourism potential of Santolo Beach and formulate a development strategy for Santolo Beach so that it can be developed as a marine tourism area to increase tourist visits.
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The object under study is one of the tourist destinations in Garut Cipanas, Situ Bagendit, Cangkuang Temple, Santolo Beach, which are frequently visited by tourists.
The object under study is one of the tourist destinations in Garut Cipanas, Situ Bagendit, Cangkuang Temple, Santolo Beach, which are frequently visited by tourists.
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Based on the analysis of the three coastal potentials, Jayanti Beach can be developed for culinary and edutourism destination, Rancabuaya Beach for camping, paragliding and fishing, and Santolo beach can be made into child friendly beach recreation.
Based on the analysis of the three coastal potentials, Jayanti Beach can be developed for culinary and edutourism destination, Rancabuaya Beach for camping, paragliding and fishing, and Santolo beach can be made into child friendly beach recreation.
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Barred Beach
Padang Beach
South Beach
Nourished Beach
Sloping Beach
Bay Beach
Womens Beach
Elite Beach
Gravel Beach
Palm Beach
Marine Beach
Haeundae Beach
Recreational Beach
Ammoudara Beach
Merah Beach
Subaerial Beach
Laboratory Beach
Embayed Beach
Tabanio Beach
Female Beach
Plane Beach
Artificial Beach
Imperial Beach
Miami Beach
Coastal Beach
Equilibrium Beach
Sand Beach
Natural Beach
Macrotidal Beach
Bathing Beach
Systematic Beach
Intertidal Beach
Sepanjang Beach
Urban Beach
Logending Beach
Sandy Beach
Morphodynamic Beach
Long Beach
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Santolo Beach