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Salt Frost sentence examples within salt frost damage

Meso-scale mechanical deterioration of mortar subjected to freeze thaw cycles and sodium chloride attack

Experimental Study on Salt Freezing Damage of Cement Concrete by Chloride Deicing Agent

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Meso-scale mechanical deterioration of mortar subjected to freeze thaw cycles and sodium chloride attack

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Shape and Size of Particles Scaled from Concrete Surfaces during Salt Frost Testing and Rapid Freeze/thaw in Water

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Experimental Study on Salt Freezing Damage of Cement Concrete by Chloride Deicing Agent

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Salt frost attack on concrete: the combined effect of cryogenic suction and chloride binding on ice formation

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Meso-scale mechanical deterioration of mortar due to sodium chloride attack

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Effect of initial curing conditions on air permeability and de- icing salt scaling resistance of surface concrete

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Frost resistance of concrete with high contents of fly ash - A study on how hollow fly ash particles distort the air void analysis

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Effects of surface states on salt-frost scaling resistance of cement concrete

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Freezing-thawing resistance evaluations of concrete pavements with deicing salts based on various surfaces and air void parameters

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Salt Frost