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Salt Caverns sentence examples within Underground Salt Caverns

A discussion on hydrogen migration in rock salt for tight underground storage with an insight into a laboratory setup

Fuel cell electric vehicles and hydrogen balancing 100 percent renewable and integrated national transportation and energy systems

Salt Caverns sentence examples within Rock Salt Caverns

Geomechanical simulation of energy storage in salt formations

Evolution of texture and internal stresses within polycrystalline rock salt using in situ 3D synchrotron computed tomography and 3D X-ray diffraction

Salt Caverns sentence examples within Horizontal Salt Caverns

Stability analysis of U-shaped horizontal salt cavern for underground natural gas storage

Study on the mechanism of roof collapse and leakage of horizontal cavern in thinly bedded salt rocks

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Salt Caverns sentence examples within Mined Salt Caverns

Acute Toxicity of Salt Cavern Brine on Early Life Stages of Striped Bass (Morone saxatilis)

Enabling Cold Compressed Air Energy Storage through Pressure Vessel Manufacture with Autofrettage

Shape Modelling and Volume Optimisation of Salt Caverns for Energy Storage

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Impact of Second Phase Content on Rock Salt Rheological Behavior Under Cyclic Mechanical Conditions

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Influence of Storage Period on the Geochemical Evolution of a Compressed Energy Storage System

Salt Cavern Exergy Storage Capacity Potential of UK Massively Bedded Halites, Using Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES)

Underground Gas Storage Process Optimisation with Respect to Reservoir Parameters and Production Equipment

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The concept of hydrogen-methane blends storage in underground mine excavations – gas permeability of concrete

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An optimal coordination of seasonal energy storages: A holistic approach to ensure energy adequacy and cost efficiency

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Stability analysis of a typical two-well-horizontal saddle-shaped salt cavern

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Rock salt behavior: From laboratory experiments to pertinent long-term predictions

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Study on very long-term creep tests and nonlinear creep-damage constitutive model of salt rock

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A discussion on hydrogen migration in rock salt for tight underground storage with an insight into a laboratory setup

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Storage of hydrogen, natural gas, and carbon dioxide – Geological and legal conditions

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Fuel cell electric vehicles and hydrogen balancing 100 percent renewable and integrated national transportation and energy systems

Numerical Investigation on Shape Optimization of Small-Spacing Twin-Well for Salt Cavern Gas Storage in Ultra-Deep Formation

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Geochemistry of Geological Hydrogen Storage in Sandstone Reservoirs

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Microbial side effects of underground hydrogen storage – Knowledge gaps, risks and opportunities for successful implementation

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Tightness and stability evaluation of salt cavern underground storage with a new fluid–solid coupling seepage model

Application of CO2 Geologic Storage Experience to Underground Hydrogen Storage Reservoirs

Risk Assessment of the Large-Scale Hydrogen Storage in Salt Caverns

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Creep deformation analysis of gas storage in salt caverns

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Geomechanical simulation of energy storage in salt formations

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Investigation of thermal-mechanical effects on salt cavern during cycling loading

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Evolution of texture and internal stresses within polycrystalline rock salt using in situ 3D synchrotron computed tomography and 3D X-ray diffraction

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Understanding dilatancy in rocksalt: a microphysical model of rocksalt at the grain-scale

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Stability analysis of U-shaped horizontal salt cavern for underground natural gas storage

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Assessing the feasibility of large-scale hydrogen storage in salt caverns on the UKCS using 3D seismic data

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Consideration of the mechanical damage behavior of rock salt during calculation of infiltration-cracks in the edge zone of gas storage caverns

Research on Construction and Operation Parameters of an Underground Oil Storage in Depleted Salt Caverns in the East of China

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Investigation on the influences of interlayer contents on stability and usability of energy storage caverns in bedded rock salt

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Techno-economic analysis of bulk-scale compressed air energy storage in power system decarbonisation

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The mechanical behavior of rock salt under different confining pressure unloading rates during compressed air energy storage (CAES)

Surface Deformations Caused by the Convergence of Large Underground Gas Storage Facilities

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Stability analysis of complex behavior of salt cavern subjected to cyclic loading by laboratory measurement and numerical modeling using LOCAS (case study: Nasrabad gas storage salt cavern)

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Hydrogen production, storage, utilisation and environmental impacts: a review

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Bulk storage of hydrogen

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Prediction method for calculating the porosity of insoluble sediments for salt cavern gas storage applications

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DEM investigation on the mechanical behavior of mudstone in the hollow cylinder torsional shear test

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Prediction of pressure and temperature changes in the salt caverns of Tuz Golu underground natural gas storage site while withdrawing or injecting natural gas by numerical simulations

Review and analysis of historical leakages from storage salt caverns wells

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Large-scale storage of hydrogen

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Experimental salt cavern in offshore ultra-deep water and well design evaluation for CO2 abatement

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Physical simulation of construction and control of two butted-well horizontal cavern energy storage using large molded rock salt specimens

Experimental Investigation on the Deformability, Ultrasonic Wave Propagation, and Acoustic Emission of Rock Salt Under Triaxial Compression

An investigation into design concepts, design methods and stability criteria of salt caverns

Potential Exergy Storage Capacity of Salt Caverns in the Cheshire Basin Using Adiabatic Compressed Air Energy Storage

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Study on the mechanism of roof collapse and leakage of horizontal cavern in thinly bedded salt rocks

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A hydrogen supply chain with spatial resolution: Comparative analysis of infrastructure technologies in Germany

Grid-scale energy storage with net-zero emissions: comparing the options

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Modeling the construction of energy storage salt caverns in bedded salt

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An integrated ARAS and interval type-2 hesitant fuzzy sets method for underground site selection: Seasonal hydrogen storage in salt caverns

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Discontinuous fatigue of salt rock with low-stress intervals

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Salt caverns history and geomechanics towards future natural gas strategic storage in Brazil

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Economics of Hydrogen Storage

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Prediction of pressure and temperature changes in the salt caverns of Tuz Golu underground natural gas storage site while withdrawing or injecting natural gas by numerical simulations

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Heat transfer in salt caverns

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Comprehensive modeling and developing a software for salt cavern underground gas storage

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Determination of the maximum allowable gas pressure for an underground gas storage salt cavern – A case study of Jintan, China

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Acute Toxicity of Salt Cavern Brine on Early Life Stages of Striped Bass (Morone saxatilis)

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Underground hydrogen storage: Characteristics and prospects

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The potential of metal hydrides paired with compressed hydrogen as thermal energy storage for concentrating solar power plants

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Low-temperature Adiabatic Compressed Air Energy Storage for Island Applications

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Lab scale salt caverns – first results on construction and investigation techniques

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Thermodynamic analysis of carbon dioxide storage in salt caverns to improve the Power-to-Gas process

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The Impact of Temporal Complexity Reduction on a 100% Renewable European Energy System with Hydrogen Infrastructure

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Enabling Cold Compressed Air Energy Storage through Pressure Vessel Manufacture with Autofrettage

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Dilatancy and tensile criteria for salt cavern design in the context of cyclic loading for energy storage

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Assessment of underground energy storage potential to support the energy transition in the Netherlands

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Wire-wound pressure vessels for small scale CAES

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Hybrid-approach for sinkhole occurrence risk mitigation in urban areas

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Opportunities for large-scale energy storage in geological formations in mainland Portugal

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Transient Closure of a Cylindrical Hole in a Salt Formation Considered as a Norton–Hoff Medium

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Design and evaluation of hydrogen electricity reconversion pathways in national energy systems using spatially and temporally resolved energy system optimization

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Salt Caverns